

Greener ways to end poverty

Poverty and environmental degradation go hand-in-hand throughout the world; each can cause the other. With the global population likely to reach nine billion by 2050 there is an urgent need to address both in tandem when devising new economic development models. …  

27 Jun 2011 | News story

Mining in the Philippines

Mining threats on the rise in World Heritage sites

Paris, France, 23 June, 2011 (IUCN) – Extractive industries and governments that licence their activities should commit to stopping all mining and oil/gas exploration and exploitation activities that could damage World Heritage Sites, says the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). …   | Spanish

27 Jun 2011 | IUCN statement

Wadi Rum Jordan

Jordan and Germany also join World Heritage

The Wadi Rum Protected Area in Jordan has been declared a World Heritage Site, becoming the 211th natural site to join UNESCO’s prestigious list. …   | French | Spanish

25 Jun 2011 | International news release

Lake Bogoria landscape

Natural wonders in Kenya, Australia and Japan declared World Heritage Sites

The Lakes System in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya, the Ningaloo Coast in Australia and the Ogasawara Islands in Japan have been inscribed on the World Heritage List, following the recommendations of IUCN. …   | French | Spanish

25 Jun 2011 | International news release

A volcano in the Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, Indonesia

World Heritage in danger: two natural sites added

The Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve in Honduras and the Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra in Indonesia have been added to the List of World Heritage in Danger, following the advice of IUCN. …   | French | Spanish

22 Jun 2011 | International news release

Rhino in the Manas Wildlife Sanctuary, India

Manas Wildlife Sanctuary on the road to recovery

Manas Wildlife Sanctuary in the eastern Himalaya foothills of India has been removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger, following the advice of IUCN. …  

21 Jun 2011 | International news release

Dhows in Socotra Islands.

More support needed to boost Arab natural World Heritage

With only two natural sites added to the World Heritage List in 15 years there is a need to review the process of nominating natural World Heritage Sites in Arab States, a new IUCN report has found. …   | French | Spanish

21 Jun 2011 | International news release

A marine turtle in the Red Sea, Egypt

Multiple ocean stresses threaten “globally significant” marine extinction

An international panel of experts warns in a report released today that marine species are at risk of entering a phase of extinction unprecedented in human history. …  

20 Jun 2011 | News story

A Leopard Shark (Stegostoma fasciatum), Great Barrier Reef

Keep World Heritage standards high

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee opens its annual meeting in Paris today. The Committee will announce the new remarkable natural and cultural areas that have made it to the list of World Heritage Sites. A total of 42 sites are considered for inscription this year. …   | French | Spanish

19 Jun 2011 | News story

Jane Smart, Director of IUCN's Biodiversity Conservation Group and Global Species Programme
Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Director General of IUCN and H.E. Razan Al Mubarak, Secretary General of EAD during the signing ceremony

IUCN and Abu Dhabi join forces for conservation

IUCN and the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) have signed a four-year Framework Agreement in support of the IUCN Programme, as well as a Memorandum of Understanding to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan of IUCN’s Species Survival Commission (SSC). …  

16 Jun 2011 | News story

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