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Shipwrecks off Alaska's Coast

Historical Ships

The BOEMRE Alaskan Shipwreck table provides the most comprehensive compilation of Alaskan shipwrecks to date.  The table is a list of shipwrecks that have occurred in Alaska from earliest Russian times (1741) to the 2000 compiled from an extensive literature search. See shipwreck sources and notes.  The table was last updated in May 2011.

Search: If you would like to find specific information on a particular shipwreck off the coast of Alaska, you can search for it by opening the Alaskan Shipwreck table pdf and using the Find tool (under Edit).

Quick Links:

  • The Russian Steamer Politkofsky: A Russian-American Legend
  • Alaska's Ten Worst Shipping Losses in the Last 20 Years
  • Alaska's Worst All Time Shipping Losses

  • Maritime History, Ship, and Shipwreck Links:

    To find out more information on shipwrecks off the coast of Alaska, contact the Alaska OCS Region in Anchorage, Alaska. We give a special "Thank You" to our summer interns: Ryan Olson, Megan Huber and Debika Shome. Without their good humor and tolerance for tedious data entry, along with hard work and diligence, this shipwreck database wouldn't be as complete. We thank University of Alaska Anchorage Librarian Ralph Courtney for alerting us to the vast shipwreck archive of the Anchorage Daily News and to Sharon Palmisano for graciously giving us access to the Daily News and Anchorage Times morgue files.