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October 21, 2011:
Statement By U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk On Presidential Signature Of Trade Legislation


October 13, 2011
Statements Regarding the Congressional Approval of the Korea, Colombia, and Panama Trade Agreements


From Enactment To Entry Into Force: Next Steps On The Trade Agreements


October 12, 2011:
Statement By U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk On Congressional Passage Of Trade Agreements, Trade Adjustment Assistance And Key Preference Programs


October 3, 2011
U.S Trade Representative Ron Kirk Calls for Swift Passage of Trade Agreements


  • The United States – Panama Trade Promotion Agreement: Implementing Legislation and Supporting Documentation


  • Statements Regarding the President’s Submission to Congress of the South Korea, Colombia, and Panama Trade Agreements


  • The Pending Trade Agreements: More American Jobs, Faster Economic Recovery Through Exports


    August 3,2011
    Kirk Comment on Pending Trade Agreements, Trade Adjustment Assistance


    July 7, 2011
    USTR Kirk Comments Following Trade Markups In Senate Finance, House Ways and Means Committees


    July 5, 2011
    Statement from USTR Kirk Regarding Announcement of House Ways & Means Committee Markup


    June 30, 2011
    Ambassador Kirk Statement Regarding the Planned Informal Markup in The Senate Finance Committee


    June 29, 2011:
    INFO: Links on Pending Trade Agreements, TAA, Preference Programs


    June 28, 2011:
    U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk Welcomes Next Steps on Pending Trade Pacts, Trade Adjustment Assistance


    May 11, 2011
    Testimony of Deputy United States Trade Representative Miriam Sapiro Before the Senate Finance Committee


    April 18, 2011
    Ambassador Ron Kirk Announces Next Step for U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement

    Important U.S.-Panama Links

    Port of MiamiBenefits for Your Industry: USTR Fact Sheets

    Panama is one of the fastest growing economies in Latin America, expanding 6.2 percent in 2010, with similar annual growth forecast through 2015. This comprehensive Agreement will eliminate tariffs and other barriers to U.S. exports, promote economic growth, and expand trade between our two countries.  Visit USTR's Fact Sheet page to find out how the agreement will specifically benefit your sector.


    Tractor in a fieldBenefits for Your Farm: Agriculture Fact Sheets

    Panama is an important market for America’s farmers and ranchers. In 2010, the United States exported over $450 million of agricultural products to Panama, more than double U.S. agricultural exports to Panama in 2005. Top U.S. exports were corn, soybean cake and meal, wheat, rice, and horticultural products. Visit the Department of Agriculture's website to find out how the agreement will benefit your sector.


    Manufacturing PlantBenefits for Your Sector: Industry Fact Sheets: Benefits for Your Sector

    Over 87 percent of U.S. exports of consumer and industrial products to Panama will become duty-free immediately, with remaining tariffs phased out over ten years. U.S. products that will gain immediate duty-free access include information technology equipment, agricultural and construction equipment, aircraft and parts, medical and scientific equipment, environmental products, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, and agro-chemicals. Visit the Department of Commerce's website to find out how the agreement will benefit your sector.  


    AgreementFull Text of the Agreement

    Read the full text of the U.S.-Panama trade agreement, which is an integral part of the President’s efforts to increase opportunities for U.S. businesses, farmers and workers through improved access for their products and services in foreign markets, and supports the President’s National Export Initiative goal of doubling of U.S. exports in 5 years.

    Support for the U.S.-Panama Trade Agreement

    Statements of support for the U.S.-Panama Trade Agreement from various elected officials, the business community, and advocacy groups can be found below.


    Visit Your Government Trade Partners

    Visit USTR's partners across the federal government to learn more about their part in the trade agreement.

    Department of Agriculture Seal     Department of Agriculture

    Commerce Seal     Commerce Department

    Labor Department Seal     Department of Labor

    OMB Seal     Office of Management and Budget

    Export Import Bank Seal      Export-Import Bank

    SBA Seal      Small Business Administration

    OPIC Seal      Overseas Private Investment Corp.

    USTDA Seal      Trade and Development Agency

    State Department Seal      State Department

    U.S.-Panama Trade Agreement

    Trade Agreement Home  •  Key Facts  •  Tax Transparency  •  Your Community
    U.S.-Panama Flags 

    Learn Key Facts About This Agreement

    The U.S.–Panama trade agreement will support American jobs, expand markets and enhance U.S. competitiveness.

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    Magnifying Glass 

    Tax Transparency in Panama

    Panama has acted to improve its tax transparency practices and to address impediments in its domestic law to robust tax information exchange. 

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    State Map

    Learn About how the Agreement will Benefit Your Community

    Now more than ever, America’s ability to create jobs here at home depends on our ability to export goods and services to the world. From 1960 to 2010, exports’ share of our country’s gross domestic product – that’s the measure of America’s overall economic output – more than doubled. By 2008 exports supported more than 10 million American jobs, and those are positions that pay well: Americans whose jobs depend on trade earn 13 to 18 percent more than the national average.

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