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ezSearch contains procurement data as well as additional NASA data (for example, financial assistance actions).



FY 2009

FY 2010

FY 2011

New Training Schedule Print

New schedule for System administration and Reports training classes have been published. Click here for more details. The training is open only for government users.

For registration please contact Mary Searcy: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Service Pack 10 Deployment Announcement Print

Service Pack V1.4 SP10.0 has been installed on the FPDS-NG Production server.

NIA - Pacific Earthquake/Tsunami 2011 Print

A new National Interest Action value ‘Pacific Earthquake/Tsunami 2011’ has been added to track the relief contracts.

For Web Portal users the value ‘Pacific Earthquake/Tsunami 2011’ is available for selection in the National Interest Action field dropdown. The Contract Writing systems using V1.4 shall use the code ‘Q11J’ when creating/updating documents through Business Services.

National Interest Action value ‘Pacific Earthquake/Tsunami 2011’ is valid from 03/11/2011 to 09/12/2011.

New schedule for Top Requests ( Reports) Print

Recovery Report will be refreshed daily by noon , however all other reports will be refreshed only on Thursdays.

NIA - Haiti Earthquake 2010 Print

National Interest Action (NIA) value 'Haiti Earthquake 2010’ expiration date has been extended from 03/18/2011 to 01/15/2012

For  Web Portal users the value Haiti Earthquake 2010 is available for selection in the National Interest Action field dropdown. The Contract Writing systems shall use the code ‘Q10H’ when creating/updating documents through Business Services.

National Interest Action value Haiti Earthquake 2010 is valid from 01/13/2010 to 01/15/2012.

Product Service Code (PSC) Manual Update Status Print

If you recall, during FY2010 the Integrated Acquisition Environment Program Management Office initiated an update to the Product Service Code (PSC) Manual. The PSC Manual is used by the Contracting Officer to identify in the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) the pre-dominate product or service for each contract award.

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Did you know?

A new National Interest Action value ‘Pacific Earthquake/Tsunami 2011’ has been added to track the relief contracts.

For Web Portal users the value ‘Pacific Earthquake/Tsunami 2011’ is available for selection in the National Interest Action field dropdown. The Contract Writing systems using V1.4 shall use the code ‘Q11J’ when creating/updating documents through Business Services.

National Interest Action value ‘Pacific Earthquake/Tsunami 2011’ is valid from 03/11/2011 to 09/12/2011.

Upcoming Events

Thu Sep 15 @06:00PM - 09:00PM
V1.4 SP 12.0 Beta Deployment
Mon Sep 19 @09:00AM - 04:00PM
V1.4 SP 12.0 BETA/FQT

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