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2009 Recovery Act Guidance

Abilityone is green

for federal government customers

Abilityone Employee success stories

Chairperson's Award Information

Alley Award Information

Agency Shutdown Plan

DOD In-Sourcing Guidance

AbilityOne information sheet

AbilityOne Policy Declaration

AbilityOne and Boeing Memorandum of Agreement

Committee Approves Quality Work Environment Initiative

Air Force Memo of Support

DoD Memo of Support


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Welcome to the web site of the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, the independent federal agency that administers the AbilityOne Program. The AbilityOne Program's mission is to provide employment opportunities for people who are blind or have other severe disabilities in the manufacture and delivery of products and services to the federal government.

Andrew Houghton

"The world is moved not only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honestworker."
- Helen Keller

The AbilityOne Program, helps thousands of people who are blind or have other severe disabilities find employment. The program coordinates its activities with nonprofit organizations across the country to employ these individuals and provide goods and services to the federal government at a fair price.