Zuckerberg Makes It Official: Facebook Hits 500 Million Members
Robin Wauters
Jul 21, 2010

This is no surprise to anyone even remotely following the company, but Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg just made things official on the company’s blog: the social network is now 500 million members strong.

According to Zuckerberg, the milestone was hit this morning, which I suspect may be disregarding the exact time just a little.

Either way, Facebook has put together a collection of stories (that page / app is down for me, but is likely being slammed right now) that users have shared with the company, detailing the impact the social network has had on their lives.

In addition, Facebook has put together a photo album with messages of thanks.

Zuckerberg will be making an appearance tonight on ABC’s “World News” in an interview with anchor Diane Sawyer to talk more about the impressive milestone. What, you don’t think going from a couple to half a billion active users in six years counts as an impressive feat?

To put it in perspective: it was only five and a half months ago when Facebook celebrated its sixth birthday and hit 400 million active users – about as long as it took them to go from 300 million to 400 million. Does that mean Facebook will grow to 600 million members by the end of the year, or could it possibly be peaking?

Zuckerberg is actually quite confident they’ll hit 1 billion active users at some point – just last month, at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, he argued that it is “almost a guarantee that it will happen”.

But wait, don’t you all hate Facebook so much you were quitting soon?

  • Related Topics
  • http://samir.tv samir

    does somebody live in that cubicle behind him?
    i see:
    - a lava lamp
    - a plant
    - a new macbook
    - extra clothes
    - bottle of water

  • http://samir.tv samir

    PS. doesnt everyone remotely follow facebook unless we actually read news about them from inside their office?

  • http://www.gettafreebie.co.uk gettafreebie

    Impressive .. but still don’t get it

  • Harniss

    Will there be cookies and pie?

  • Toco

    it’s active users, not registered users

  • http://adigitalbrain.com/ Rob G.

    What a crazy thing to accomplish. The staggering number of users is definitely what the internet is all about these days and it just amazes me how he got some many people to be in 1 place on the internet.

    Facebook is obviously the future and present of social networking and maybe the internet in general. It blows me away that he was able to develop such a powerful software to manage that many people in such a clean simple way.

    Mad props to everyone involved in Facebook.

  • http://www.helixzone.net helix2301

    Well he is going to be on ABC News to night and this is one of the things he is going to address a long with the Facebook image.

  • Zuma Brunswick

    Don’t get it.

    What i get it thou is that FB is a webpage hosting company with no real business model, but lots of phony pr and articles. I guess this is what most VC backed companies are good at. FB has raised $860M in financing which means no employee including Mark at FB makes any money unless they sell themselves for more than $2.5B (liquidation pref).

  • Jann

    Zuckerberg says THANKS! to 500 Million dumb fu*ks!

  • BobSled

    NO way, I have 5 accounts. How many do others have?

    Big number but still a farce. Im bored with FB, use it less and less. I cannot be alone.

    Will they peak at 500m ?

  • JAB

    Does this also include all the business accounts too? Corporations are people too!

  • kdilkington

    “Thanks….dumb fucks”

  • Slater

    And how many of those 500 meeellion are inactive accounts?

  • http://www.tailormypc.com James Spinosa

    How many of those 500 million are actually people? My fraternity is a profile, my friend’s business is a profile. Technically you are supposed to create “fan pages” for these, but many people just make accounts.

  • Tom

    Wait! He doesn’t even “say” it! He just wrote it on a piece of paper with a blue marker.

  • TN

    500 Million users that can’t access their cookies, thanks to another undocumented/unannounced change developers are dealing with today.

  • Anon

    “No real business model”? Better do your homework first, Facebook has positive cashflow since autumn 2009.

  • http://theblogdoctor.me/blog/ the blog doctor

    Impressive, but it would be interesting to know how many of the 500 million users actually logged back in after signing up because their friends and friends’ mamas told them to “Get on Facebook”.

    See the ‘Twitter Data Analysis: An Investor’s Perspective from the techcrunch archives.
    38% of registered Twitter users have never sent a SINGLE TWEET!

    Are there similar stats for number or percentage of ACTIVE Facebook users?

  • Greg

    Lol, what are you JAB, Skynet?

  • Greg

    It would be great if they celebrated by just giving a massive 500 million group poking.

  • igniman

    Wait, I think twitter was supposed to be above 1Billion by now ….

  • Zuma Brunswick

    Positive Cash Flow? Really? How much? Can you elaborate? Last i heard they were making $350M revenue with 350M users which is $1/user. This is not a workable business model. This ship will crash real soon now. Go run for cover.

  • Alex

    None, that’s 500 million active accounts.
    I seem to remember they count active as logged in in the last 30 days.

  • igniman

    I think they definately have a higher percentage than other social networks. Either way, even if the real people are ~ 300 M, it’s an unprecedented feat

  • igniman

    I get it, and it’s still impressive

  • darth vader

    @Jann – Yup, 500 million dumb fucks out there. These FB addicts are stupid, keep throwing their info @ them.

  • AdamV

    I’m sure it is just me, but I hate it when people just say “thanks”. Really, is it that hard to say “Thank you.”? It is just a few extra letters.

    Here is a bunch of work, thanks.

    dick + punch = you get a dick punch… thanks

  • somedude

    “No way, I have 5 accounts….”

    followed by

    “…I’m bored with FB, use it less and less…”

    Thank you Captain Contradiction.

  • Zuma Moma

    Im pissed that your not sharing, whatever it is that your smoking!

  • BobSled

    obviously you’re a simpleton. Let me guess you’re a Repubican too… These things are not linear but that would take creativity and thought…something the avg. Republican has none of…

  • Hop

    That must be awesome for the guy Zuck signed 86% of the company to in 2004.

  • Jenn

    Nothing wrong with making your workspace feel cosy – when you are there for a third of the day !

  • Moma Gramma

    Also note that 80% of these FB user accounts are from India. These users will never buy anything from any advertizer on FB. So FB has a real problem here. Also i heard the same, $1/user revenue. This is not good.

  • Ross R

    Not a contradiction, somedude.

    I have 2 accounts, one I created before I wanted to join FB to check out information about my peers in college, and one I created for myself but never update.

    I was bored with FB almost immediately after joining.

    Interesting thought… I wonder how many people are like BobSled and I… If all the people that have accounts and aren’t using them delete (not deactivate… there is a difference) their accounts, how far would FB fall overnight… Too bad people aren’t motivated enough to see.

  • http://www.stayfitbug.com Shaun Sinclair

    Facebook is a GREAT tool for those in business. I am living proof of that. Haaaail to Facebook!

  • http://www.jahanzaib.info/ SEO Pakistan

    Big Milestone! for any private Social Company to get such big exposure hats off to the creative team of Faceboom for make it happen :P

  • http://www.breadmarket.co.uk mark

    Impressive, I wonder though where the next 500 million are gonna come from, everybody is on facebook already!

  • Esteban Gomez

    Maybe i did the math wrong, but if these numbers are accurate , then 7% of the World’s population is on facebook. Considering duplicate accounts and profiles dedicated to companies and institutions, I would dare to push it down to 5%. But that is still quite a feat.

  • Harniss

    So it DOES count the elderly who log in once, click ‘keep me signed in’ then die?

  • Harniss


    1) IPO
    2) Get paid
    3)Buy chin

  • John

    I get it and still don’t care.

  • Bob Sagit

    Impossible to do an IPO when the company is making $1/user. This will collapse in the near future. VC’s are hyping the DOT COM bubble all over again. Take your money and run before this sh** collapses.

  • Andy K

    Members, is that what he’s calling them now?

  • Steve

    I am writing a comment on TechCrunch. It is ill-formed, vague, and worthless. Come visit my blog!

  • Harniss

    Agreed…I was really just trying to use something to kick off my sweeet chin joke.

  • Etrigan

    Yes, it is just you. You may want to invest in a shrink before your OCD really gets out of hand.

  • Etrigan

    Why do people just repeat stuff they read without doing any thinking for themselves? What exactly is wrong with $1 per user?

    You don;t know what the cost per user is, because FB has not disclosed it. If the cost per user is say $0.10, then FB is making a profit of $.90 per user. For $500m users that’s $450m profit.

    I’m not saying those are the numbers, just that throwing around $1 revenue per user is meaningless without context such as cost per user.

  • someguy

    If you are bored with facebook, check out Cloud.CM.

  • Fred Flintstone

    What *I* don’t get is: Why “THANKS” ?

    “Thanks, you dumb fucks” would have been the more honest version.

  • really?

    really? forget general knowledge about the tech industry and what is happening around, but you must have atleast read on TC about their revenue:


    Seriously people have to get their facts right before posting on blogs.. Comments in TC are becoming so mundane and inane..

  • Dan
  • kenson

    That’s the spirit. Who say’s facebook is going down now? One should realize that even facebook will gain an open-source alternative, its success can’t be mitigated by any privacy issues. For what it’s worth, All American couples love Facebook.

  • Bill Carrick

    You are smoking something. FB’s revenues were $350M when their total (active and dead) accounts were at 350M users. So you calculate yourself the cost? It is $1/user. No company can survive without making revenues in the range of $25-$50/user. This is a bogus company simply living on VC investment dollars.

  • http://mycodetrip.com Shiva

    I know someone here in San Francisco who has 50 different “real” Facebook User Accounts that he uses to test the API.. ;)

  • Igloo

    The implications of being “Active” on Twitter as opposed to Facebook are very different. Many people sign up for Twitter but don’t tweet because they don’t want to broadcast information.

    In contrast, there’s a lot of benefit to be had from Facebook and you could certainly be classified as “active” on it even if all you do is look at your friends newsfeed.

  • camon

    He did nothing special , the software he wrote can be tinkered together in oh 2 weeks about the time it took him to do by any competent developer (Harvard education not required for this one) what he did have was intense drive, intense forsight and ambition in spades….those things can compensate for dominant technology. After that they had great strategy on focusing on social elements first (as opposed to other sites that were out there before FB but took other paths to oblivion rather than success like bebo, hi5, myspace,friendster…)

    He got out there early and he executed in ways the other guys did not, the technology itself (as could be seen by how many there were so quickly) was not the ah ha! factor to the success of FB. Some good choices and lots of luck were.

  • ahed jericho

    and iam happy that iam one of that 500 million members!!!!

  • Jonathan

    Zuck throwing out a guarantee about one billion users is enough reason to believe it’ll never happen. Facebook is at its peak time. It’s not going to roll over and shrink tomorrow morning, but this 2 or 3 year period is its peak for growth and dominance.

    They might see 1 billion user accounts one day, but not active user accounts.

  • http://www.mankabros.com Jill Kennedy

    I suspect the next number will 450 million and then 400 million and then they won’t post anything anymore and start ripping out the copper wires from the walls. Facebook is well on its way to becoming worthless.


  • http://www.mankabros.com/onmedea Jill Kennedy

    Also, MZ should stop working out. No one is going to date him anyway based on his physique.

  • mike

    Zuckerberg’s picture reminds me of those porn sites where there’s a woman holding the sign and it says: “I’m hot and looking to meet guys in .”

  • Arun

    It’s monthly active users. This means people that have logged on in the last 30 days.

    This would in general exclude people who signed up and didn’t come back (outside of the new registrations in the 30 day window).

  • somedude


    So to your question about how far would Facebook fall…. not at all. You can strip out all deletions, all deactivations, and all inactive users and the 500mm figure will not change at all.

  • somedude

    Please remember your comment when Facebook goes public in two years and announces they are making $5 – $6 billion/year

  • yappy

    I wish I could “like” this comment lol You are spot on.

  • http://www.cloudhostingguru.com mixdev

    I get it, it’s still impressive and I care.

  • http://www.cloudhostingguru.com mixdev

    #@darth vader True. you prepare the Death Star. The war is coming.

  • LiarLiar


    And thanks to you, Mark, for fucking us all in the ear–just like you promised you would.

  • Nick Loeser

    Bobsled, only a liberal could employ the assertion that the average Republican is a simpleton.

    Why are you so angry? The election is over dude, calm down.

  • somedude

    Ok, if not a contradiction then a massive edge case. Considering that over 50% of their active user base logs in daily (ie over 250mm people using the site every day) it isn’t safe to assume that there is a large volume of fake accounts.

    Besides, being the engineering company that they are they will (1) have massive Site Integrity efforts in place to remove fake accounts algorithmically (2) log not only session visits but time per session and a slew of other usage metrics to strip fake accounts out of the active user calculation.

    They would do this to make sure they are optimizing their systems against accurate data because inflating their user count by 10mm doesn’t do anything for the bottom line of the company.

  • adam

    nothing dumb about using facebook.

    people communicate and ignore ads, fb makes money from ads.

  • http://www.megawattpr.com Tyler

    And huge heat from that clunky LCD screen. Sooo 2008. I’d work there if they provided nice cool LEDs. :P

  • http://www.megawattpr.com Tyler

    I’m impressive, and I get why you’d care.

  • johnny

    I was hoping for steaks and beer, but whatever floats your boat I reckon

  • johnny

    just like your site, eh?

  • Sean Reidy

    And all these user statistics come from? Facebook, that’s who. So why should we believe any of these enormous user number claims? Because they wouldn’t lie to us, would they?

  • BobSled

    you sound like a shill, a Facebook shill.

    What’s your title over there Somedude? And how long have you been out of school? 1, 2, 3 years? You were probably still in elementary school when the first generation of “cannot fail” companies fleeced investors back in the mid 90′s. How many of those companies are still around today?

    That’s the real point. Facebook has not proven they can make any money. Get press? Grow users? Annoy users? Change the way people interact on the web? Yes, make money? No.

    They may never be profitable. Has that thought ever crossed your mind? I’d sell your stock options now, they are peaking!

  • BobSled

    Only a narrow minded Republican would confuse insight with anger…

    Please just stick to Nascar and leave the technology analysis to those with intelligence and creativity.

    Bob out

  • johnny

    your a douchbag if you think thats gonna stand in court, laugh my fucking ass off

  • :-)

    hehe. Good one man

  • Jack

    That’s the best network of informants CIA or any other agency ever created.

  • ajax jones

    fukin liar
    but really
    as i have 4 acounts and now only use 1 that is a lie

  • james

    The person who is celebrating this the most is, Paul Ceglia of NY. Who is claiming 80% of facebook’s stocks :)

  • http://www.freesampleagent.com Eric

    Well, you don’t get to 500 million without making a few enemies..

  • http://jotpress.com Kunal Sen

    While 500 million is an amazing number, we must also realize that about 70% of web users are still using it as a read-only medium. Here’s an article that discusses this missing majority.


  • http://www.teethremoval.com wisdom teeth removal

    Zuckerberg looks like he is getting older. But still this picture surely doesn’t make sense to the millions of facebook users who don’t know who Zuckerberg is.

  • Slim Shady

    $800 million in revenues, no profits, $860 million from VC’s, is the other $60 million profit?

  • asdf

    I think he’s not replying because it’s so blatantly obvious. Stop hating.

    Google “facebook cashflow positive” to get a googol of articles dated Sept 2009.

    Search “facebook profits 2010″ to get numbers between 500mil to 1.5bil.

  • http://www.24-fitness-guide.us Bob

    Wow…Amazing socialnetworking. Good job Mark. I love it.

  • kenlih

    This is an amazing achievement from Facebook. Last year they had 400 million. A 100 million gain is really big. Compare that to twitter in which its growth of users is starting to get saturated.

    No wonder, that Facebook is also now the no. 1 source of divorce for USA. More. http://2su.de/3kF

  • Manipular Chakma

    My name is Mani pular chakma. I’m Bangladeshi. My religion Boudha.

  • Jose

    Err… You have to take into consideration that Farmville-like game addicts have more than one account to allow them to play more and go around the limitation of the number of “friends”… I personally know people with more than 5 account just to play… Nothing more…

    If Zynga would leave Facebook, it would loose a considerable number of its users.

  • http://www.seomy.co.uk advertising on google

    what a feat 500million users, you gotta hand it to them!!
    i just hope they don’t turn themselves into another ‘google’ – however i think it’s inevitable, G started out the same, offering a great free service now everything is monetised and FB will no doubt do the same (they have already started)

  • Nick

    Must’ve been a really important announcement to him. He’s wearing the head-of-state attire again.

  • http://kunalsheth.in Kunal

    Do you realize how much paper these guys wasted!

  • Jim Jones

    Even though he doesn’t have a case and won’t win shit?

  • John

    Facebook came and went for me. I guess its nice they have so many followers but I think its become a addiction for some. For me it just was a annoyance.

  • http://andydick.com andy dick

    I work at FB. I surprised I still get a paycheck!

  • joe t

    he’s referring to Zuck’s statements about users during his Havard years.

    I don’t get it, i’m impressive and you care

  • http://www.newsy.com Kyle

    Do you know what’s better than half a billion users? A billions users which is what it will be in 2012. http://bit.ly/damq4s

  • http://www.homeequityrates.co.uk rdnp

    I’m register new account 2 days ago in FB….may be i’m the man…….

  • Facephuk

    If he didn’t have a case he wouldn’t have gotten an injunction.

    500 million / 100 = real number of users

    Zuckernerd- lucky he’s rich!

  • People

    So they celebrate by bringing the site down? I have trouble accessing it for the whole morning, anyone else have the same issue?

  • http://www.dlinked.com DLINKED.COM

    Who cares, I love http://www.Dlinked.com more !

  • lawl

    Aren’t you that weird black guy who does the Tanqueray commercials?

  • Ha or not Ha

    You don’t get it, but I’m impressed by how much I care.

  • http://fitnessthatsfun.wordpress.com legit24788

    I’m giving away free care cups. How full do you want yours?

  • http://downhunter.wordpress.com downhunter

    Now you can free yourself from facebook…
    and give some rest to your browser…
    check out this app…


    http://www.downhunter.com is really doing a good job to save facebook servers from extraordinary traffic… lol

  • http://reverselookphone.com/ trace mobile number

    I’m not surprise that fb hit 500 million members since it is the world’s fastest growing social networking site. Great job! i always go online to check my account.

  • http://reverselookphone.com/ reverse phone trace

    And then finally they’ll sell it for 1.5 million or less.

  • http://www.dlinked.com DLINKED.COM

    Make sure to register now to get notified when this great social network comes live http://tiny.cc/1y8lq

  • rohn
  • http://www.dlinked.com DLINKED.COM

    Make sure to register to get notified when this great social network comes live soon http://tiny.cc/1y8lq

  • Guy

    That does sound like a cool app…its just that Facebook scares me at this point because they basically own the net…that and theres a rumor that the CIA is involved with them.

  • http://facebookdisabled.org FacebookDisabled.me

    I guess this number includes the people Facebook banned with no reason, no warning, no explanation, no support …. ?

    I’m sure it does count them because the horror stories of having everything and loosing all in a click of a button because an automated script flagged your account increased A LOT and this is not proportional of the “growth” of facebook

    Legitimate and loyal users ask for their account back and what Facebook does ?
    Never lift the ban.
    That leaves the user with 2 choices. Either will go and create another account (2 users in user database) or stop using Facebook for good (1 non active user)

    Our personal account was banned in 24th of Jan.2010 for no reason, warning ….
    So far only “can” replies.

    We try to inform the people about this big problem which is equally disturbing with the privacy issues that were raised before

    In our petition so far we have 670 signatures

    Come to our site and place your opinion / petition support

    Let’s meet at the 600 million post of Facebook then…. They lost the game with numbers.

  • http://www.dotdigitalblog.com Ben Staveley

    But what is also good to look at is what facebook may do next to make even more money and increase their user base. http://www.dotdigitalblog.com/ecommerce/500m-users-but-whats-next-for-facebook/

  • http://businessintelligence.me we are cloud

    We used our BI software to generate an interactive dashboard to display the data concerning Facebook’s 500 million users. Now you can visualize it, you can see so much more than just a number!

    The dashboard contains 3 visualizations which all show different relationships.

    The first, the treemap, shows the number of users in July 2010 in relation to the percentage penetration (number of people on Facebook as a percentage of the country’s population). The size of each individual box within the treemap shows the total number of Facebook users in the country. The strength of the color shows the percentage penetration, with the darkest blue being attributed to a higher percentage of users, and the lightest blue being attributed to the lowest.

    The second visualization is the geovisualization, or heat map. We have chosen graduated circles to display the information but you can change it back to the original heatmap format by clicking on “Rendering Mode” in the bottom left hand corner. Here we see the relationship between the population and the percentage penetration. The size of the graduated circles show proportionately the population size, and the number inside demonstrates the percentage penetration. A very simple but a highly visual representation, the heatmap is probably the best way to get an overall geographical idea of where Facebook’s users are around the world.

    Lastly, our third chart is the classic pie chart. We have used the filters to filter out any country with a population of less than 10 million. This gives us a nice overview of the relationship between the percentage penetration and the number of users. We have also chosen to display the percentage penetration measure by size, to make it really clear which countries have a high percentage (USA, UK) and which have a low percentage (India, Mexico).

    Access the dashboard here: https://newsletter.bimeapp.com/players/dashboard/…

  • http://Facebook Olaolu

    I need facebook

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