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Google Earth API

How do I start?

  1. Check out some Google Earth Plug-in examples and visit the demo gallery.
  2. Sign up for a Google Maps API key.
  3. Read the Google Earth API Developer's Guide.
  4. Read the Google Earth API Reference.
  5. Join the announcements group to receive important updates:

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What is the Google Earth API?

The Google Earth Plug-in and its JavaScript API let you embed Google Earth, a true 3D digital globe, into your web pages. Using the API you can draw markers and lines, drape images over the terrain, add 3D models, or load KML files, allowing you to build sophisticated 3D map applications. If you have an existing Maps API site, you can 3D-enable your page with as little as one line of code.

New! The Google Earth API now supports KML tour playback, underwater KML features, and more! Check the release notes for more details.

The Google Earth API is a free service, available for any web site that is free to consumers. Please see the terms of use for more information.