INTERVIEW: Rick Edwards on Tool Academy and life after T4

Rick Edwards talks Tool Academy

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Asylum chats with Russell Kane

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Gallery: Candice Swanepoel

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Burlesque: glorified stripping, or high art?

Burlesque: stripping, or art?

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Nov 9th 2011 By Alastair Plumb

VIDEO: Surfer Garrett McNamara rides record-breaking 90 foot wave off Portugal

surfer garrett macnamara
We had no idea Portugal's coast got such big waves, but would you beleive it, it does. 90 foot ones, waves bigger than your house, your neighbour's bigger house, and things that are 89 feet -- that big. It's all thanks to the massive underwater gorge called "Nazaré Canyon" that creates unusual giant waves.

Hawaii-born Garrett McNamara describes himself as a "Extreme Waterman Explorer & Big Wave Champion" on his website, but by us, he's the luckiest surfer alive, happening upon the record-breaking wave whilst out tow-in surfing with Andrew Cotton and Al Mennie during the surfing gathering known as the "ON North Canyon Project 2011".

"I feel so blessed and honoured to have been invited to explore this canyon and its special town. The waves here are such a mystery", Garrett said afterwards. Um, okay Garrett, right you are. Still, nice job!

Nov 9th 2011 By Oliver Jones

Camila Vallejo and the Chilean Student Protests -- how to actually change policy

Camilla Vallejo student protests chile
Students from all over the country will take a break from arguing over whose turn it is to top up the gas metre, to converge on London today, to protest against the increase in tuition fees.

The government has sanctioned the use of water cannon and baton rounds ahead of the demo, which is scheduled to take place in the City of London.

This is the first major student march after the fees demo in 2010 when the Conservative Party's headquarters at Millbank Tower were attacked, and NUS leader Aaron Porter resigned.

Across the world in Chile, similar protests have been happening. However, their leader, 23-year-old Camila Vallejo is an altogether more interesting character.

Nov 9th 2011 By Alastair Plumb

Rik Mayall returns as The Bombardier, blows up some fish with a stick of dynamite

rik mayall bombardier beer fishing
Back in June, we brought you an exclusive cut of Rik Mayall having the time of his life as "The Bombardier" -- a make-crude-references-to-sex first, shoot later kind of guy from the fields of Waterloo -- and today, we bring you another glorious beer ad that's essentially just a good opportunity to chuckle at how funny Rik Mayall is.

This one -- surprise, surprise -- also involves beer, but as well as beer you can also expect to see flying fish, sticks of dynamite, maggots and rude gesticulations. You know, just the way you like it.

So this one goes out to all you Blackadder / Lord Flashheart fans, and remember: don't try this at home, kids. Seriously, don't. You've going to catch zero fish. That's a promise.

Nov 9th 2011 By Alastair Plumb

Iggy Pop to start selling Paco Rabanne perfume as well as car insurance, his soul

iggy pop paco rabanne Black XS L'ExcèsIggy Pop, once best known for his manic on-stage antics and immortal rock 'n' rolls songs like "The Passenger" is now becoming better known for something else entirely: selling out to The Man.

On top of his preposterous adverts for car insurance company Swiftcover -- starring alongside a 3 foot puppet version of himself -- he's now accepted an offer from French fashion house Paco Rabanne to promote their perfume "Black XS L'Excès".

An advert has been shot for the perfume featuring Mr. Pop, but it hasn't been released on the internet yet. What's more, we're not going to be able to smell the scent until January when it'll be unveiled in France, presumably by Iggy himself.

Oh, and did we mention it's a women's fragrance? Well it is. Which means that this advert will have to be nothing short of spectacular, what with it having to use Iggy Pop to sell smelly air to lady folk. What's the bet he's going to be topless, eh?

Nov 9th 2011 By Alastair Plumb

Marriage breaks up in Burger King, gets live-tweeted by fellow chip chomper

burger king break up
Here's an ethical conundrum for you, ladies and gentlemen: if a man and a woman are breaking up in a public place -- like a Burger King, say -- is it appropriate for anyone nearby who overhears it to Tweet it, insult by insult, home truth by home truth?

We pose you that puzzler because just that happened recently, with Twitter user Andy Boyle live tweeting the whole sorry seperation to his followers.

"I want my 75 new followers to understand that I don't regularly livetweet failing marriages at Burger King," he added, also via Twitter.

But is this appropriate? Is it the couple's fault -- should they have aired their dirty laundry somewhere more private? Or should people just mind their manners more and leave their phones alone?

Nov 9th 2011 By Alastair Plumb

VIDEO: Meet Oscar -- the dog who likes to pee while doing a handstand

front legs dog peeSo this is one of the weirdest things we've ever seen. Seriously, what kind of dog goes for a wizz while walking using just its front legs?

After all, we've seen a moose get drunk and lodge its head in a broken tree, and this is weirder than that piece of animal nuttery.

At least Oscar isn't he only animal who likes using just two legs when four would do -- take a look at this kitty cat, for example, or this excitable Hawaiian pup.

Nov 9th 2011 By Alastair Plumb

VIDEO: Cat stands on hind legs during fight, looks a lot like Pokemon's Mewtwo

cat hind legs mewtwoAround about this time last week, we brought you a YouTube clip of a dog with two legs being incredibly happy, dancing and hopping and jumping around.

Today, we bring you two videos of animals on their hind legs -- one a dog, one a cat -- and arguably this, the cat video, is more impressive.

How come? Well because in the middle of a fight with another cat, this particular feline screeches onto two feet and does a worrying impersonation of the Pokemon Mewtwo. Bet you didn't think you'd see that when you woke up this morning, eh?

Nov 8th 2011 By Alastair Plumb

Sarkozy heard calling Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu 'a liar' by keen-eared journos

obama sarkozy
One of the first big rules of top flight politics has to be: "Don't bitch about other world leaders -- especially not in public places." French President Nicolas Sarkozy has broken this rule horribly, with reports emerging that he told President Barack Obama: "I can't stand him any more, he's a liar," when talking about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

To make matters even worse, Obama replied with: "You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day."

The exchange was a private conversation overheard by journalists at the G20 summit back in the summer, but only now has the embarrassing insult been mentioned (and confirmed) by the press at large.

Nov 8th 2011 By Oliver Jones

VIDEO: Boxing legend Joe Frazier dies -- Smokin' Joe's biggest fights

joe frazier
Boxing icon Joe Frazier has died aged 67 after a battle with liver cancer.

The former heavyweight champion was regarded as one of the sport's all-time legends, defeating Muhammad Ali and going toe-to-toe with some of the greatest fighters ever to don the gloves.

A tenacious character and unconventional fighter, who'll be remembered in equal measure for his punching power and articulate interviews.

In honour of the great man's life we've rounded up eight of his best contests after the break.

Nov 8th 2011 By Alastair Plumb

Ready for the 'Cornish pound'? Volunteer Cornwall chief wants it to happen...

lewes pound
In recessions, many people start thinking about a lot of pretty "out-there" ideas to protect themselves from financial ruin. Volunteer Cornwall chief Ian Jones has one such idea -- that Cornwall should ditch Pound Sterling and start using its own currency.

It's not the first time individual pockets of Britain have suggested the idea. In fact, the town of Lewes in East Sussex uses "The Lewes Pound" (see above) in certain shops, and Totnes on the Devon coast also uses a similar "complimentary currency" technique to reduce the town's carbon footprint and encourage residents to shop local.

Ian Jones has said that: "...communities create wealth but too often it is siphoned out. We have to keep wealth local. [Council authorities should] plan for the kind of Cornwall we want for ourselves and our children." It seems to be an admirable idea, but is it practical? And what does it say about the unity of the country as a whole? Shouldn't we all be in this together?