CEE Conference Logo

Register today and join us in Chicago

The CEE Conference is a biennial conference, we will only have one every two years—so take advantage now!

Registration Fees

  • NCTE/CEE Member: $140
  • NCTE Member Only: $165
  • Nonmember: $195
  • Graduate Student: $100

Registration includes opening reception, three breakfasts, two luncheons, and one dinner.




From the conference planning committee...

The world of English teacher education today is fraught with many challenges, from unforeseen policy initiatives to which we must respond and accreditation visits which often seem inconsistent with our work, to preparing new English teachers to teach an increasingly diverse student body while working in an increasingly restrictive environment. We face these professional challenges while trying to do the work we have always joyfully done: preparing new teachers of English language arts to be as successful as possible in educating today's young people to be literate, clear thinking, and inquisitive citizens who can read, write, and communicate effectively within various contexts and for multiple purposes.

This CEE conference will build on the previous two CEE Leadership and Policy Summits, "fast forwarding" their productive, yet largely philosophical, discussions into the realms of teacher education classroom practice, teacher mentoring, professional development, and goal-centered political advocacy. As the conference title suggests, the aim of this conference is to put our previous efforts developing comprehensive belief and policy statements into real-world practice, with the overarching objective being to begin to implement previously articulated policy initiatives through the creation of written "action plans." These draft action plans will be reviewed by the CEE Executive Committee following the June conference and are subject to the committee's approval before being published or acted upon. The conference will be open to everyone and will be comprised of a combination of working groups built around thematic strands as well as more traditional conference presentations and keynote addresses.

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