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Virginia Zone Forecast RSS Feed Listing

Below are listed the National Weather Service forecast counties/zones (by names & by codes) for Virginia. Select a forecast county/zone to see the URL for the RSS feed.

Forecast zone map for the state of Virginia
(Link opens new browser window)

List sorted by Zone codes | List of States

Forecast Zones by Names
ATOM Zone Code Zone Name   (Virginia)
atom VAZ099 Accomack
atom VAZ037 Albemarle
atom VAZ019 Alleghany
atom VAZ068 Amelia
atom VAZ035 Amherst
atom VAZ046 Appomattox
atom VAZ054 Arlington/Falls Church/Alexandria
atom VAZ025 Augusta
atom VAZ020 Bath
atom VAZ034 Bedford
atom VAZ010 Bland
atom VAZ023 Botetourt
atom VAZ079 Brunswick
atom VAZ004 Buchanan
atom VAZ047 Buckingham
atom VAZ045 Campbell
atom VAZ064 Caroline
atom VAZ016 Carroll
atom VAZ082 Charles City
atom VAZ059 Charlotte
atom VAZ097 Chesapeake
atom VAZ070 Chesterfield
atom VAZ031 Clarke
atom VAZ018 Craig
atom VAZ051 Culpeper
atom VAZ061 Cumberland
atom VAZ003 Dickenson
atom VAZ080 Dinwiddie
atom VAZ504 Eastern Highland
atom VAZ074 Essex
atom VAZ053 Fairfax
atom VAZ017 Floyd
atom VAZ048 Fluvanna
atom VAZ033 Franklin
atom VAZ028 Frederick
atom VAZ011 Giles
atom VAZ084 Gloucester
atom VAZ062 Goochland
atom VAZ015 Grayson
atom VAZ038 Greene
atom VAZ087 Greensville
atom VAZ058 Halifax
atom VAZ063 Hanover
atom VAZ071 Henrico
atom VAZ043 Henry
atom VAZ093 Isle of Wight
atom VAZ090 James City
atom VAZ600 Jefferson National Forest/Virginia Forestry District 6
atom VAZ057 King George
atom VAZ072 King William
atom VAZ073 King and Queen
atom VAZ078 Lancaster
atom VAZ001 Lee
atom VAZ042 Loudoun
atom VAZ049 Louisa
atom VAZ066 Lunenburg
atom VAZ039 Madison
atom VAZ086 Mathews
atom VAZ065 Mecklenburg
atom VAZ085 Middlesex
atom VAZ014 Montgomery
atom VAZ036 Nelson
atom VAZ083 New Kent
atom VAZ094 Newport News/Hampton
atom VAZ095 Norfolk/Portsmouth
atom VAZ100 Northampton
atom VAZ501 Northern Fauquier
atom VAZ077 Northumberland
atom VAZ067 Nottoway
atom VAZ050 Orange
atom VAZ029 Page
atom VAZ032 Patrick
atom VAZ044 Pittsylvania
atom VAZ069 Powhatan
atom VAZ060 Prince Edward
atom VAZ081 Prince George
atom VAZ052 Prince William/Manassas/Manassas Park
atom VAZ013 Pulaski
atom VAZ040 Rappahannock
atom VAZ076 Richmond
atom VAZ022 Roanoke
atom VAZ024 Rockbridge
atom VAZ026 Rockingham
atom VAZ006 Russell
atom VAZ005 Scott
atom VAZ027 Shenandoah
atom VAZ009 Smyth
atom VAZ092 Southampton
atom VAZ502 Southern Fauquier
atom VAZ056 Spotsylvania
atom VAZ055 Stafford
atom VAZ096 Suffolk
atom VAZ089 Surry
atom VAZ088 Sussex
atom VAZ007 Tazewell
atom VAZ098 Virginia Beach
atom VAZ030 Warren
atom VAZ008 Washington
atom VAZ503 Western Highland
atom VAZ075 Westmoreland
atom VAZ002 Wise
atom VAZ012 Wythe
atom VAZ091 York

Forecast zone map for the state of Virginia
(Link opens new browser window)

List sorted by Zone names | List of States

Forecast Zones by Codes
ATOM Zone Code Zone Name   (Virginia)
atom VAZ001 Lee
atom VAZ002 Wise
atom VAZ003 Dickenson
atom VAZ004 Buchanan
atom VAZ005 Scott
atom VAZ006 Russell
atom VAZ007 Tazewell
atom VAZ008 Washington
atom VAZ009 Smyth
atom VAZ010 Bland
atom VAZ011 Giles
atom VAZ012 Wythe
atom VAZ013 Pulaski
atom VAZ014 Montgomery
atom VAZ015 Grayson
atom VAZ016 Carroll
atom VAZ017 Floyd
atom VAZ018 Craig
atom VAZ019 Alleghany
atom VAZ020 Bath
atom VAZ022 Roanoke
atom VAZ023 Botetourt
atom VAZ024 Rockbridge
atom VAZ025 Augusta
atom VAZ026 Rockingham
atom VAZ027 Shenandoah
atom VAZ028 Frederick
atom VAZ029 Page
atom VAZ030 Warren
atom VAZ031 Clarke
atom VAZ032 Patrick
atom VAZ033 Franklin
atom VAZ034 Bedford
atom VAZ035 Amherst
atom VAZ036 Nelson
atom VAZ037 Albemarle
atom VAZ038 Greene
atom VAZ039 Madison
atom VAZ040 Rappahannock
atom VAZ042 Loudoun
atom VAZ043 Henry
atom VAZ044 Pittsylvania
atom VAZ045 Campbell
atom VAZ046 Appomattox
atom VAZ047 Buckingham
atom VAZ048 Fluvanna
atom VAZ049 Louisa
atom VAZ050 Orange
atom VAZ051 Culpeper
atom VAZ052 Prince William/Manassas/Manassas Park
atom VAZ053 Fairfax
atom VAZ054 Arlington/Falls Church/Alexandria
atom VAZ055 Stafford
atom VAZ056 Spotsylvania
atom VAZ057 King George
atom VAZ058 Halifax
atom VAZ059 Charlotte
atom VAZ060 Prince Edward
atom VAZ061 Cumberland
atom VAZ062 Goochland
atom VAZ063 Hanover
atom VAZ064 Caroline
atom VAZ065 Mecklenburg
atom VAZ066 Lunenburg
atom VAZ067 Nottoway
atom VAZ068 Amelia
atom VAZ069 Powhatan
atom VAZ070 Chesterfield
atom VAZ071 Henrico
atom VAZ072 King William
atom VAZ073 King and Queen
atom VAZ074 Essex
atom VAZ075 Westmoreland
atom VAZ076 Richmond
atom VAZ077 Northumberland
atom VAZ078 Lancaster
atom VAZ079 Brunswick
atom VAZ080 Dinwiddie
atom VAZ081 Prince George
atom VAZ082 Charles City
atom VAZ083 New Kent
atom VAZ084 Gloucester
atom VAZ085 Middlesex
atom VAZ086 Mathews
atom VAZ087 Greensville
atom VAZ088 Sussex
atom VAZ089 Surry
atom VAZ090 James City
atom VAZ091 York
atom VAZ092 Southampton
atom VAZ093 Isle of Wight
atom VAZ094 Newport News/Hampton
atom VAZ095 Norfolk/Portsmouth
atom VAZ096 Suffolk
atom VAZ097 Chesapeake
atom VAZ098 Virginia Beach
atom VAZ099 Accomack
atom VAZ100 Northampton
atom VAZ501 Northern Fauquier
atom VAZ502 Southern Fauquier
atom VAZ503 Western Highland
atom VAZ504 Eastern Highland
atom VAZ600 Jefferson National Forest/Virginia Forestry District 6


    Page last Modified: Thu, 8 October, 2009 2:46 PM