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NIH Research Matters

NIH Research Matters is a weekly update of NIH research highlights from the Office of Communications and Public Liaison, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health.


March 21, 2011

Photo of a little girl holding a flower. Drug Helps Improve Asthma Treatment in Youths
Adding a drug called omalizumab to asthma therapy nearly eliminated the fall and spring seasonal surges in asthma attacks among children and adolescents living in inner cities.

Illustration of nerve cells. Scientists Switch Off Brain's Anxiety Circuit
Scientists have identified a distinct brain circuit that seems to switch anxiety off and on in the mouse brain. The discovery could have implications for developing improved anti-anxiety medications for humans.

Two microscope images of liver, the top one heavily marbled with red. A Molecular Link Between Sleep and Liver Fat
Researchers have discovered a molecular link between the body's biological clock and fat production in the liver. The finding may help explain why disrupting your daily cycle increases the risk of diseases like obesity and diabetes.

March 14, 2011

Electron microscope image showing a cluster of misshapen cells. Faulty Gene Helps Tumors Dodge Drugs
Researchers have shown how a defective or missing gene may allow some tumors to resist cancer-fighting drugs. The finding may eventually lead to more targeted chemotherapy based on patients’ genes.

Photo of an African American man at the barber. Barbers Help Black Men Beat High Blood Pressure
A new study found that barbers successfully helped fight high blood pressure in African-American men. The results support an increasingly popular practice, in which trusted community members deliver key health messages to those who need them.

Microscope image of intense blue neuron. Enzyme Can Alter Long-Term Memories
Even long after memories have formed, they can be enhanced or erased by altering the activity of a single brain enzyme, a new study reveals. The finding may give insight into treatment strategies for a variety of memory disorders.

March 7, 2011

Photo of a pregnant woman with a stethoscope on her stomach. Protein Helps Pregnancy Proceed
Researchers have identified a key step in the establishment of a pregnancy. The discovery may shed light on fertility disorders and diseases of the uterus, including endometrial cancer.

Mosquito with glowing green areas throughout its body. Fungi Developed to Fight Malaria in Mosquitoes
A genetically engineered fungus could be a highly effective tool for preventing malaria transmission. The advance might offer a new line of defense in combating a disease that affects nearly 300 million people worldwide.

Photo of twin sisters. Clues for Schizophrenia in Rare Gene Glitch
Scientists have found a rare genetic mutation that, while appearing in only one-third of 1% of schizophrenia patients, may hold clues to improved treatments.

February 28, 2011

Microscopic image of a cluster of large cancer cells among smaller cells. Less Invasive Surgery Just as Effective for Some Breast Cancer Patients
When breast cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, many doctors believe that removing several more nodes provides better treatment. But a new study suggests otherwise. The finding may change the way early-stage breast cancer is treated in some patients.

Photo of a older woman walking briskly around a track. Moderate Exercise May Improve Memory in Older Adults
A new study in older adults shows that brisk walking can increase the size of a brain region involved in memory formation. The finding suggests that moderate physical exercise can help protect the brain as we age.

Scanning electron microscope image showing lumps of purple spherical bacteria. New Approach to Fighting Staph Infections
Researchers have identified a small molecule that can inhibit methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a growing public health problem. The discovery may open the door to a new class of antibiotics to combat MRSA.

February 14, 2011

Photo of a mother admiring her yawning baby. Surgery Before Birth Improves Spina Bifida Outcomes
Surgical repair of a spinal birth defect before birth, rather than after, can improve mobility and reduce the risk of serious complications, a new study has found.

Photo of a young African-American man looking at a computer and smiling. Preschool Program Produces Payoff
An early education program for children from low-income families generates an estimated $4 to $11 of economic benefits over a child's lifetime for every dollar spent on the program, according to a new analysis.

X-ray photo of a knee. Rare Artery Disease Linked to Gene Variant
Scientists discovered a genetic cause for a rare disorder that leads to calcium deposits in arteries below the waist and in the joints of patients' hands and feet. Understanding the basis for this disease may one day lead to a cure.

February 7, 2011

Photo of an elderly man. Study Reveals Parkinson’s Disease Risk Genes
In the largest genome-wide association study of the disease to date, scientists have discovered that genetics play a substantial role in Parkinson's disease. The finding may one day lead to better diagnostics and therapies.

Photo of dialysis equipment. UV Radiation Triggers Melanoma
A protein that immune cells use to communicate with each other is involved in the development of melanoma, a new study shows. The findings suggest a new potential target for treating this aggressive skin cancer.

Photo of an adult organgutan. Orangutan Genome Sequenced
Researchers have decoded the orangutan genome, revealing intriguing clues about the evolution of primates, including humans.
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Contact Us:
NIH Research Matters
Harrison Wein, Ph.D., Editor
Vicki Contie, Assistant Editor
National Institutes of Health
Office of the Director,
Office of Communications and Public Liaison
Bldg. 31, Rm. 5B64A, MSC 2094
Bethesda, MD 20892-2094
(301) 435-7489

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This page was last updated March 21, 2011 -> .
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