IT Reform Deliverables

IT Reform Progress

Find out what's been accomplished since the 18-month action plan to reform Federal IT was launched.
Map of federal data center closures

2011 Data Center Consolidations

The Federal Government has released details on the total number of data centers that will be shut down by the end of 2011, as a result of the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative.
25 Point Plan

An 18-Month Action Plan

A report from the United States CIO details 25 steps to addressing persistent, pressing problems in Federal IT.
Federal cloud computing report cover page

A Strategy for Cloud Migration

The U.S. CIO outlines how the Federal Government can accelerate the safe and secure adoption of cloud computing, consistent with the “Cloud First” policy discussed in the 25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal IT Management.

TechStat Toolkit

The Toolkit provides a comprehensive guide for agencies to quickly implement TechStat, an evidence-based review of an IT investment.
Join the Transformation
GSA logo
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

IT Reform: GSA Issues RFQ for Cloud Email Services

On May 9, the General Services Administration released a $2.5 billion RFQ for cloud email as a service (EaaS) to consolidate Federal government email systems. GSA anticipates awarding multiple SmartBUY Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) for the five-year contract, which allow Federal agencies to procure commercial software and software-related services at reduced prices.  Learn More ›

DOE Seal
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

IT Reform: Energy TechStat Examines Identity Program

In an effort to improve the performance of one of the Department of Energy (DOE) major IT investments, an agency TechStat review was recently held.  Learn More ›

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

White House Forum Details Progress on IT Reforms

From 1:30 to 2:30PM EST today, the White House Forum on Transforming Federal IT Management provided an update on how the Administration is changing the way the Federal government uses IT to save money and deliver better service.  Learn More ›

CIO Council seal
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

IT Reform: A Platform for Sharing Lessons Learned

Today marks the soft launch of the Federal CIO Council’s Best Practices platform, an online resource that promotes learning and collaboration. By centrally aggregating best practices, the platform will help cultivate how information is shared government-wide and with stakeholders.  Learn More ›

OMB Seal
Thursday, April 07, 2011

IT Reform: Task Force Will Drive Data Center Closures

This past February, the Federal CIO Council launched a government-wide Data Center Consolidation Task Force to help meet the overall Federal target of a minimum of 800 data center closures by 2015, and to share progress toward individual agency goals.  Learn More ›

OMB Seal
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

IT Reform: OMB Open Sources IT Dashboard and TechStat Toolkit

On March 31, the Federal Government publicly released two key tools for evaluating IT investments: the IT Dashboard source code, and the TechStat Toolkit. Sharing these resources will help organizations around the world implement TechStat, the Federal Government’s model for addressing troubled IT projects.  Learn More ›

OPM seal
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

IT Reform: OPM Creates IT Program Manager Title

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has released a draft proposal that creates a new, official federal title: IT Program Manager. This title will round out the IT Management 2210 series, which currently includes the IT Project Manager and IT Specialist titles.  Learn More ›

NASA Techstat session
Friday, March 25, 2011

IT Reform: Agencies Hold First TechStat Sessions

Agency-level TechStat sessions are currently under way, with 24 Federal CIO Council agencies on track to have held their first TechStat by March 31. As of March 25, 15 agencies have already held their first session.  Learn More ›



  1. Friday, May 20, 2011

    From Data to Apps: Putting Government Information to Work for You

    Vivek Kundra, U.S. CIO

    When the Department of Defense in the 1990s released GPS data, originally developed for military use, to the public, it sparked an explosion of innovation that gave rise to tools we now use in our everyday lives – from helping us find our way in an unfamiliar city to assisting first responders save lives. But why stop...  Learn More ›

  2. Wednesday, May 4, 2011

    Why IT Efficiencies?

    Terry Halvorsen, CIO, U.S. Navy

    Why is the Department of the Navy aggressively pursuing information technology efficiencies? There are a number of contributing factors that led to the recent focus on efficiencies, but the primary catalyst is the realization by Department of Defense and DON leadership that from a fiscal perspective we cannot...  Learn More ›

  3. Thursday, April 28, 2011

    Getting Program Governance Right Helps Ensure Success

    My first post on the challenge of delivering successful IT programs introduced the topic of tiered governance and the need to have effective governance at the enterprise, portfolio, and program level. Let’s dig deeper into program-level governance.  Learn More ›


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