An Official Website of the United States Government

Medicare Fee-for-Service

Department of Health and Human Services

Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) is a program that provides hospital insurance (Part A) and supplementary medical insurance (Part B) to eligible citizens.  Part A is usually provided automatically to persons 65 and over who have worked long enough to qualify for Social Security benefits; it pays for hospital, skilled nursing facility, home health, and hospice care.  Part B is voluntary coverage, which pays for physician, outpatient hospital, home health, laboratory tests, durable medical equipment, designated therapy, outpatient prescription drugs, and other services not covered by Part A.  Medicare processes over one billion fee-for-service claims a year.

Agency Accountable Official: Ellen Murray, Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources

Program Accountable Official: Peter Budetti, Deputy Administrator for Program Integrity, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services



Total Payments (Outlays)more info


Improper Paymentsmore info


Improper Payment Ratemore info


8.5% Improper Payment Rate Target more info

All amounts are in billions of dollars

Tabular view for Projected improper payments Tabular View   


Note: In 2009, HHS modified the review process for improper payments in the Medicare Fee-For-Service program based on recommendations from the Office of Inspector General and agency staff.  The 2009 Agency Financial Report shows 7.8 percent or $24.1 billion in improper payments, which reflects the old review process used for most of the claims that year.  This website reflects the error rate for claims reviewed under the newer, strictest and most thorough criteria, which is 12.4 percent, or $35.4 billion in improper payments.  For purposes of setting an estimated baseline for future goals, HHS is using 12.4 percent as the 2009 improper payment rate.

Program Comments

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is committed to reducing the percentage of improper payments made under the Medicare fee-for-service program.  This was the first full year that HHS implemented a number of changes in the improper payment measurement methodology that impacted the error rate.

Based on both the recommendations contained in recent Office of Inspector General (OIG) audit reports and those of HHS’s advisory medical staff, HHS modified the medical review process late in FY 2009.  Approximately 82,000 claims were reviewed for the 2010 reporting period.  The error rate is 10.5% or $34.3 billion in estimated improper payments.  The HHS did not meet its error rate target of 9.5% (gross) for 2010. The primary causes of improper payments were medically unnecessary services and insufficient documentation errors. Read More...

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