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Fibromyalgia Health Center

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Home Remedies

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Many people turn to home remedies, including herbs, supplements, and alternative treatments, for relief of fibromyalgia symptoms. Discover which home remedies may help and which may not work at all.

Complementary Treatment

Can natural herbs and supplements help fibromyalgia symptoms? Review the different fibromyalgia herbs and supplements and learn how they might help manage symptoms.

Complementary treatments for fibromyalgia include massage, acupuncture, meditation, and more. But are they safe and effective in ending fibromyalgia pain and fatigue? Discover the latest findings.


Can certain foods or nutrients ease symptoms of pain, stiffness, and fatigue? Can other foods actually trigger fibromyalgia symptoms? Learn more about the diet connection to fibromyalgia.


Discover the importance of exercise for fibromyalgia. Find out which exercises are best for easing muscle pain and stiffness.


There's no doubt that fibromyalgia can be exhausting -- both physically and emotionally. Discover strategies to manage your symptoms so you can do the things you enjoy in life.

Have problems with fibromyalgia and sex? Discover some practical tips to help reignite your libido and sex life without fear of added pain and stiffness with fibromyalgia.

Learn all about the effects of fibromyalgia on your pregnancy. Discover ways to manage fibromyalgia symptoms so you and baby stay healthy.

Does fibromyalgia affect your ability to work? Find out how to cope with work-related obstacles and fibromyalgia symptoms at work.