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Are You Missing Out on Work, School or Family Events because of Your Migraines?

Nine out of 10 migraine sufferers reported they can’t “function normally” on days when they have a migraine.

According to another survey of nearly 19,000 migraine sufferers, over a 3-month period:

  • 35% of patients had at least 1 day of activity restriction related to migraine.
  • 29% missed a family or social activity.

For many people, life can’t wait, and they just want to get on with their day.


Is Your Migraine Medicine Doing All It Can?

How Fast and Effective Are Your Migraine Treatments?

There are a number of options available to treat migraines, including pills, injections and nasal sprays. However, in a recent survey of 271 migraine sufferers using oral medications.*

It’s important to have options on hand to get the relief you need when you need it.

  • Over half felt their oral migraine medicine wasn’t an effective treatment option for every migraine attack.

Learn about a Proven Option
That Can Begin Working Fast

*Survey was commissioned and conducted by National Headache Foundation. Survey was developed and sponsored by Zogenix, Inc. and Astellas Pharma US, Inc.

SUMAVEL® DosePro®: Migraine Relief That Can Start within Minutes

  • You never know when a migraine will strike, how fast it will hit you, or how severe the pain will be.
  • Sometimes you can’t wait and need a fast migraine treatment to help you get back to normal life quickly.
  • In clinical studies, relief started within 10 minutes for some patients, with most patients achieving relief within 1 or 2 hours.

Learn More about Needle-Free Administration with SUMAVEL DosePro

SUMAVEL® DosePro®: An Innovative Needle-Free Delivery System

  • Fast: Medicine is delivered under your skin in less than a second without a needle.
  • Convenient: Prefilled, no preparation or assembly needed.
  • Single use: Needle-free and disposable.

Find Out What People Think about SUMAVEL DosePro

What People Are Saying about SUMAVEL® DosePro®

  • In a survey of more than 1,500 people using SUMAVEL DosePro, 9 out of 10 answered that they would consider continuing to use it.*†
  • Three out of 4 patients would recommend other migraine sufferers talk to their doctor about SUMAVEL DosePro.*
  • If your doctor prescribes SUMAVEL DosePro in addition to your current migraine medication, having both as part of your migraine toolbox, lets you choose which treatment is right for each migraine.

Find Out How SUMAVEL DosePro Is Administered

*969 responders
Survey sponsored by Zogenix andAstellas

Easy-to-Use Needle-Free Delivery in 3 Simple Steps

  • SNAP the tip off firmly.
  • FLIP the green lever down to get it ready.
  • PINCH & PRESS — Pinch your stomach or thigh and Press against your skin to deliver the medicine.

Get Tips for Discussing Treatment Options with Your Doctor

SUMAVEL® DosePro® must be administered in the thigh or abdomen. It should not be used in the arm or other body parts. When using SUMAVEL DosePro, the skin should be clean, dry, and free of clothing. It should not be administered into scars or moles, or within 2 inches of the navel.

Read the patient information that comes with SUMAVEL DosePro before use and each time you get a refill.

No more than two 6-mg doses should be taken within 24 hours (or one dose of SUMAVEL DosePro and one dose of another sumatriptan product), separated by at least 1 hour.

Discuss Your Migraine Treatment with Your Doctor

The most important step to finding out if SUMAVEL® DosePro® should be considered as one of your treatment options is to help your healthcare professional understand you and your condition.

Think about these questions and schedule an appointment with your doctor today to specifically discuss your migraine headaches.

  • Are there situations at home or at work where pills may not be an option?
  • How soon do you begin to experience relief from your migraine pain?
  • Do you still have migraine pain 2 hours after you take your medication?
  • Does your current treatment relieve most of your migraine pain?
  • If you have nausea or vomiting with your migraine, do you have difficulty taking pills?
  • Print this list of questions to take with you to your next doctor appointment.

Find Out How to Save on Your SUMAVEL DosePro Prescription

Get SUMAVEL® DosePro® for Only a $15 Co-Pay*


Get Tools & Information to Help Manage Your Migraines

* Subject to eligibility

Don’t Wait. Ask Your Doctor About Sumavel® DosePro® Today!

It’s important to work with your doctor to find the right migraine medications for you. To help get you started:

With SUMAVEL DosePro as part of your migraine toolbox, you can choose which treatment is right for each migraine.

SUMAVEL DosePro (sumatriptan injection) is a prescription medicine given with a needle-free delivery system to treat adults who have been diagnosed with acute migraine or cluster headaches.

Important Safety Information

  • SUMAVEL DosePro is not used to treat other types of headaches or to prevent or lessen the number of migraine or cluster headache attacks you have.
  • Do not take SUMAVEL DosePro if you have heart disease or a history of heart disease, narrowing of blood vessels to the legs, arms, stomach or kidney, uncontrolled high blood pressure, migraines that cause temporary paralysis on one side of your body or basilar migraine, had a stroke, transient ischemic attacks or problems with your blood circulation, have taken another triptan or ergotamine medicine in the last 24 hours, or are allergic to sumatriptan.
  • Tell your doctor if you have heart disease or a family history of heart disease or stroke, high cholesterol, diabetes, have gone through menopause, are a smoker, have had epilepsy or seizures, or if you are pregnant, nursing, or could become pregnant before taking SUMAVEL DosePro. Especially tell your doctor if you take antidepressant medicines called SSRIs, SNRIs or MAO Inhibitors. A life-threatening problem called serotonin syndrome may occur with SUMAVEL DosePro, especially if used with antidepressants.
  • SUMAVEL DosePro can cause serious side effects, including death. Possible side effects include heart attack, fast heartbeat, increase in blood pressure, stroke, changes in mental status such as agitation, hallucinations or coma, tight muscles or trouble walking, changes in color or sensation in fingers or toes, or decreased blood flow to the extremities or intestines.
  • Get medical help right away if you have severe tightness, pain, pressure or heaviness in your chest, throat, neck or jaw, shortness of breath or wheezing, sudden or severe stomach pain, hives, swelling of your tongue, mouth or throat, high temperature, trouble seeing, unusual weakness or numbness, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, or unusual sweating.
  • Tell your doctor about all medications you take including prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins and herbal supplements.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Please see full Prescribing Information.

SUMAVEL and DosePro are registered trademarks of Zogenix, Inc. SV0409.0411  011C-060-3249 1-866-ZOGENIX

WebMD does not endorse any specific product, service, or treatment.