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Sex & Intimacy

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Do you know everything there is to know about sex? We didn’t think so. For men hungry for a little more knowledge, our sex primer answers big questions about penis size, porn, reviving a stalled-out love life, and a lot more.

Sex Play

Ever feel like your sex life could be better? Who hasn’t? Try these six tips for fantastic sex.

Some guys still think of foreplay as a chore — something to get out of the way before getting to the good stuff. Here’s why they’re wrong.

Are you ready for teledildonics? Take a tour of the virtual universe of online sex — from X-rated chat rooms to avatar hook-ups to plug-and-play sex toys.

Everything you need to know about condoms — including 10 tips for getting the best protection.

Do you really know how to use a condom or do you just think you do? Since the stakes are pretty high, try this condom quiz out for size.

Touchy Topics

How big is the average penis? Can men have multiple orgasms? And just where is that mysterious G-spot? Grab a ruler and a stopwatch as we sort sex myths from the facts.

Admit it — you’ve always wondered if yours could be bigger. Here’s a rundown of all the purported ways to expand — pumps, pills, exercises, and surgery. But do any work?

Circumcision reduces the risk of HIV, syphilis, and other diseases — but many consider it barbaric. What are the pros and cons of circumcising your son?

Are some men really porn junkies? Some say that smut acts like a toxin in your brain. Many experts say that’s nonsense. Here are the facts.

It’s no joke — according to experts, sex addiction can be a serious problem for some people. How do you know if your sex drive has become something destructive?

You want more sex and she wants less. Or vice versa. Sexual frustration affects almost every couple at one time or another. So how do you get past it?

Has your sex life become a bit dull — or disappeared altogether? Get some tips from the experts on what kills passion and how to rekindle it.

Feeling like you’ve lost your sex drive? What causes a low libido — and what can be done to get it back to normal? Find out the answers here.

Sexual Problems

Too fast? Too slow? Here’s everything you need to know about overcoming premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, and other problems.

Sexually transmitted diseases are the nasty side of sex. Here’s what you need to know about STDs in men — including how to avoid them.