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Reply: mole on labia majora
Hi Anon, Please never feel embarrassed to see a dermatologist. They will put you at ease and...More
Role of glucocorticoids regarding stretch mark for...
I have done some "internet research" on stretch mark formation, prevention, and improvement. I would...More
Posted by Menolikepolos
I am considering getting Juvederm. I have talked to two doctors. The one doctor said no pre-treatment drugs...More
Posted by ceasar007
Reply: recurring extremely itchy rash?
If the area that has the rash is a place that can be humid and near a skin fold, you might have a case of tinea...More
Posted by tatunka
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Reply: Dark circles under eyes
Thanks Giddygirl !!!!! I have tried everything too-to no avail. I will give Clinque a try! Thanks
Posted by JHelwig194700
Reply: Skin smells like maple syru[
Probably diabetes
Posted by SWest123
Antioxidents, Vitamin K and retinol
Eat foods rich in antioxidents & Vitamin K. Use a moisturizing undereye cream with 5% Vitamin K. Take a...More
Posted by Anon_148648
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lumps under my skin
i have hard lumps under my skin on my face..iv had the problem before and the swelling spreads around the...More
Posted by Anon_169178
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Reply: Sun Screen Effectiveness
Hi Brian & Dr. Colbert, I just came across an app for this, Sun Alert. You enter your skin...More
Solution for dark under eye circles?
I am 24 years old and I have had severe dark under eye circles since I was in the 5th grade. Diet, sleep, eye...More
Posted by Traci1986
Strange rash, pictures provided.
Yesterday I noticed these strange bumps on my stomach and chest area while taking a shower. Today they have...More
Posted by Anon_168722
Reply: Would you let a robot........
No, never! Humans can empathize with pain, fear, etc. Robots can't...I wouldn't even consider it.
Posted by graceisabela
Itchy Skin Blisters
About a month ago I woke up to a rash on my face. It was red and itchy and there were two little spots that...More
Posted by Anon_168663
Sunglasses could protect my eyes?
I just made eye surgery, but the sunshine outside is very horrible, so i deciede to buy a pair of sunglasses...More
Posted by edwards68
Reply: Hair vitamins
sally1688, This is a very interesting question. In my practice I have many patients taking...More
Acne after birth control
I made it through the teenage years relatively acne free. Of course I had the occasional zit on my face, but...More
Posted by Anon_75943
Problem after perafin dip at salon
I got a facial three days ago at a very nice salon, with a perrafin dip for my hands as part of the...More
Posted by Anon_168492
Reply: Effects of Weight Loss on Existing Stretch Marks
The stretch marks should not look significantly different after you lose weight. Good luck!
Help :( extremely uneven skin
My face, neck, chest and feet are white, my hands, arms lower legs are tanned color, the rest of my body is...More
Posted by Anon_168304
Any OTC brands that works like Ovace?
I have Crohn's Disease, and my dermatologist says it has spread to my skin. I have always had eczema on...More
Posted by VictoriaLeeRut
Reply: Skin Rash Every Summer
Its the change in seasons. Go to the doc. It sounds like eczema. Ive had it since I ws 10. Comes back...More
Posted by savageseductions
Reply: skin
Systemic disease can have cutaneous manifestations. In other words, anemia can be related to the...More
Reply: Large pores
Hi Elubick - Pores are found on the skin predominantly in areas of increased oil glands. This is...More
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Reply: Avoid parabens in your skin care products!
Although there were parabans found in a biopsy in a woman with breast cancer, there was no evidence that the...More
Posted by An_167278
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Reply: Skincare Regime/s
You have to try SkinCeuticals "Blemish and Age Defense". It is specifically designed with women who are...More
Posted by An_167278
African American Skin
What facial treatment is available for african american skin if microdermabrsion is risky? More
Posted by ejones504
Reply: Anyone a Royal Wedding Watcher?
I was too young to watch Charles & Diana's wedding, since I was born in '78! But I am going to watch the...More
Posted by mendezwife
I have a problem with spots in my face, can anyone give me something to help remove them so I can have...More
Posted by Anon_167101
Reply: Sunburn. Help please
Hi Chrissyzajac, Ouch! Sunburn is no fun! You may want to give your doctor a quick call to see...More
Reply: what product you can suggest that is effectively w...
Hi Anon, Do you know if you have an underlying medical problem that has caused this? This...More

Featuring Experts

David Colbert, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist, a doctor of internal medicine, and the founder of the prominent New York Dermatology Group in N...More

Helpful Tips

Avoid parabens in your skin care products!Expert
If you read a product label that sounds like a bad science experiment, avoid this product altogether! Parabens are common ingredients found ... More
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Secrets of a Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgeon - Robert Kotler, MD ,FACS

Dr. Robert Kotler gets beneath the surface to discuss selecting a cosmetic surgeon, computer imaging, celebrity makeovers and more...Read More

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