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Stroke Health Center

Stroke Overview

Stroke is brain damage caused by a blocked blood vessel or bleeding in the brain. The signs of a stroke may include weakness, numbness, blurred vision, confusion, and slurred speech. Getting to a hospital quickly is vital for a good outcome with a stroke.

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Many Strokes Occur in Sleep, Preventing Treatment
A large number of people who suffer strokes have them while they are asleep, which may prevent them from getting clot-busting treatment in the critical first few hours after the event, a new study says.


If you have symptoms of a stroke, seek emergency medical care. General symptoms of a stroke include:

  • Sudden numbness, tingling, weakness, or paralysis in your face, arm, or leg, especially on only one side of your body.
  • Sudden vision changes.
  • Sudden trouble speaking.
  • Sudden confusion or trouble understanding simple statements.
  • Sudden problems with walking or balance.
  • A sudden, severe headache that is different from past headaches.

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