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Osteoporosis Health Center

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Symptoms & Types

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Osteoporosis often starts silently and may not be found until a bone fractures. But sometimes, symptoms appear. Learn about the types and symptoms of osteoporosis.


Osteoporosis can be a silent disease, but many patients suffer symptoms such as pain and height loss. Read a brief description of osteoporosis symptoms.

Sudden, severe back pain, especially in older women, often signifies a spinal compression fracture -- a sign of weak bones. So get that back pain checked out.

Warning Signs

Many people have thinned bones and don’t know it. Osteopenia is mildly thin bones that are heading towards osteoporosis. Learn more about how osteopenia is detected and treated.


Osteoporosis rarely affects children. But when it does, it’s usually due to a medical condition or medication. It’s a significant problem because it occurs during the child’s prime bone-building years. Those rare cases are called juvenile osteoporosis. Read about it in this brief article.


Bone fractures caused by osteoporosis can be very painful, and sometimes the pain and disability lasts for months. Physical activity helps contribute to bone health. Read article on handling chronic pain.

Hip fractures can make it a lot harder to walk, get around, and lead an independent life. People with these fractures may not recover for months and often cannot care for themselves. Learn more about the dangers of weak bones and how to prevent them.

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