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Depression Health Center

Getting Help For Depression

When you have depression, it's more than feeling sad. Intense feelings of sadness and other symptoms, like losing interest in things you enjoy, may last for a while. Depression is a medical illness, not a sign of weakness. And it's treatable.

To find out more, answer these questions.

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I Think I’m Depressed

How to get help.


I Just Got Diagnosed

Your next steps.


I’m Getting Help

What to expect from treatment.


I’ve Stopped My Treatment

How to get back on track.

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Thumbnail Image:TV Breakups: When a Show Ends, Fans May ‘Mourn’

TV Breakups: When a Show Ends, Fans May ‘Mourn’

Fans of a TV show may experience distress when the show ends and they can no longer watch a favorite character, a study shows.

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Understanding Depression -- Symptoms

What Are the Symptoms of Depression?

For major depression, you may experience five or more of the following for at least a two-week period:

  • Persistent sadness, pessimism
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, or hopelessness
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities, including sex
  • Difficulty concentrating and complaints of poor memory
  • Worsening of co-existing chronic disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes
  • Insomnia or oversleeping
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Fatigue, lack of energy
  • Anxiety, agitation, irritability
  • Thoughts of suicide or death
  • Slow speech; slow movements
  • Headache, stomachache, and digestive problems