National Compensation Survey - Benefits produces comprehensive data on the incidence (the percentage of workers with access to and participation in employer provided benefit plans) and provisions of selected employee benefit plans.

Program Prospectives Volume 3Program Perspectives

On Defined Contribution Plans

This issue of Program Perspectives presents BLS data on defined contribution plans highlights six types of defined contribution plans, providing BLS data on participation by type of plan and method of contribution.

Latest EBS News Release

Employee Benefits in the United States

July 27, 2010
Retirement benefits were available to 74 percent of all full-time workers in private industry in March 2010 while 39 percent of part-time workers had such access. Access to medical care and paid sick leave were provided to 86 and 74 percent of full-time private industry workers versus 24 and 26 percent of part-time workers, respectively. More...

Current EBS News Releases

  • Employee Benefits in the United States, March 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
  • Employee Benefits in the United States, March 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
  • Employee Benefits in the United States, March 2008 (TXT) (PDF)
  • Employee Benefits in State and Local Government, September 2007 (HTML) (PDF)


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Benefit Incidence & Provisions
Employee Benefits Survey
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  • Series Report—Already know the series identifier for the statistic you want? Use this shortcut to retrieve your data.
  • Flat files FTP Site —For those who want it all. Download a flat file of the entire database or large subset of the database.
  • Benefits Search--allows you to search through all the benefits publications that are currently available electronically.


Annual Bulletin on Benefit Coverage

National Compensation Survey: Employee Benefits in the United States, March 2010

September 2010
Bulletin 2752
To print all tables in bulletin, or to print entire bulletin

Tables organized by ownership

Employee benefits data tables: United States, March 2010 (Tab view)

Tables organized by benefit

Employee benefits data tables: United States, March 2010 (Tab view)


Technical note


Printing multiple tables

Appendix table 1 (HTML) (PDF)

Appendix table 2 (HTML) (PDF)


Annual Bulletin on Benefit Plan Details

National Compensation Survey: Health and Retirement Plan Provisions in Private Industry in the United States, 2009

July 2010
Bulletin 2749

To print all tables in bulletin: (PDF of Entire 2009 Benefits Bulletin)



Basic provisions - Health

Basic provisions - Retirement

Additional provisions - Defined contribution plans

Printing multiple tables


Search all tables for key words

Technical note

Appendix table 1 (TXT) (PDF)

Appendix table 2 (TXT) (PDF)


EBS Publications

All NCS Publications (including benefits, compensation costs, and wages) »


EBS Frequently Asked Questions

People Are Asking...

  1. I am reviewing our current benefits to see how they compare with those of other small companies. Do you have any information that could help?
  2. How much do employees pay for health care?
  3. Under Flexible Spending Accounts, can an employer reimburse in monthly increments as the employee's contributions are made, or do they have to under all circumstances remit the full reimbursement at the time the receipt is received?
  4. How prevalent are cash account (cash balance) pension plans?
  5. Are more workers covered by indemnity plans or HMOs?
  6. What is a floor-offset plan?
  7. Is my company mandated to give me a specific number of paid holidays?
  8. Who do I contact if my company has not provided me the benefits it promised?
  9. Do you provide information on the percent of workers with employer-provided health insurance?

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What types of benefit data do you have?
  2. For what worker and establishment characteristics are benefit data available?
  3. How much has the cost of employer-provided benefits increased in the last 5 years?
  4. Can I get estimates on benefits for a specific position?
  5. Can I get projections on benefits?
  6. Are there micro data available to the public?
  7. Does BLS track sick-leave usage rates among government employees or any type of employees?
  8. What percentage of the American work force is covered by benefit s such as employer provided childcare or adoption assistance?
  9. Do you have information on mandatory benefits, and when an employee has the right to receive them?

All EBS FAQs »


EBS Special Notices


Other BLS Programs

  • National Compensation Survey—designed to integrate data from separate BLS compensation surveys—currently provides earnings data by worker characteristics and establishment characteristics and by geographic area.
  • Compensation Cost Trends—quarterly indexes measuring change over time in labor costs and quarterly data measuring level of average costs per hour worked.
  • Wages—provides data on occupational wages for localities, broad geographic regions, and the nation.

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The Office of Compensation Levels and Trends, Branch of Survey Information and Publications, will be glad to assist you with questions about any of the components of the National Compensation Survey.

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Information voice phone: (202) 691-5200 The Federal Relay Service: 1-800-877-8339

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