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U.S. Department of Energy Logo
Safety & Health
banner for safety and health showing several technologies developed at Energy labs

Safety and Health

Safety is an integral part of everything DOE does.  The safety of our workers and the environmental responsibility to safeguard our natural surroundings are integrated management practices throughout DOE.

The commonality between all efforts undertaken by the Department of Energy is an unwavering commitment to the protection of our workers, our nation, and the environment.  The Department of Energy works diligently to ensure that all programs are performed in a safe, healthful, and environmentally sound manner.


In an effort to guarantee the health and safety of the more than 130,000 employees and Contractors who work for the Department, Energy maintains the Office of Health, Safety and Security.  The mission of this office is to guarantee the safety of our workforce and the safe operation of Energy's programs.

In addition, our Office of Environmental Management and the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management work to ensure the safety of the environment and the safe handling and storage of waste generated by Energy and Nuclear Weapons production.