White House Schedule

In the morning, the President and the Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. This meeting is closed press.

Later in the morning, the President will travel to El Paso, Texas. The President’s departure from the South Lawn and the arrival at Biggs Army Airfieldare open press.

After the tour, the President will deliver a speech at Chamizal National Memorial on the importance of fixing the broken immigration system for our nation’s 21st century economic and security needs so that America can win the future. This speech is open press.

In the afternoon, the President will travel to Austin, Texas. The President’s departure from Biggs Army Airfield and the arrival at Austin-Bergstrom International Airportare open press.

In Austin, the President will deliver remarks at two DNC events. The first event is pooled for TV, open to pre-credentialed correspondents and still photographers and the second is print pool only.

The President will return to Washington, DC. The President’s departure from Austin-Bergstrom International Airportand the arrival on the South Lawn are open press.

Format: 05-10-2011

Tuesday, May 10 2011

All Times ET
9:30 am
The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Oval Office
Closed Press
10:30 am
The President departs the White House en route Andrews Air Force Base
South Lawn
Open Press
Gather Time 10:10AM– North Doors of the Palm Room
10:45 am
The President departs Andrews Air Force Base en route El Paso, Texas
Travel Pool Coverage
Call Time 9:15AM – Virginia Gate, Andrews Air Force Base
2:40 pm
The President arrives in El Paso, Texas
Local Event Time:
12:40 PM MDT
Biggs Army Airfield
Open Press
3:15 pm
The Vice President hosts a meeting with a bipartisan, bicameral group of Members of Congress to continue work on a legislative framework for comprehensive deficit reduction
Blair House

Participants in the meeting will include the Vice President, Senator Daniel Inouye, Senator Jon Kyl, Senator Max Baucus, Representative Eric Cantor, Representative James Clyburn, Representative Chris Van Hollen, Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, Director of the Office of Management and Budget Jacob Lew, and Director of the National Economic Council Gene Sperling.

Closed Press
Press stakeout location outside Blair House. Gather time for arrivals stakeout: 2:45 PM inside the Northwest Gate of the White House. Gather time for departures stakeout: 4:45 PM inside the Northwest
3:30 pm
The President delivers a speech on importance of fixing the broken immigration system for our nation’s 21st century economic and security needs so that America can win the future
Local Event Time:
1:30 PM MDT
Chamizal National Memorial
Open Press
4:40 pm
The President departs El Paso, Texas en route Austin, Texas
Local Event Time:
2:40 PM MDT
Biggs Army Airfield
Open Press
6:00 pm
The President arrives in Austin, Texas
Local Event Time:
5:00 PM CDT
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport
Open Press
6:50 pm
The President delivers remarks at a DNC event
Local Event Time:
5:50 PM CDT
Moody Theater
Pooled TV, Open to Correspondents
Open to pre-credentialed correspondents and still photographers
8:25 pm
The President delivers remarks at a DNC event
Local Event Time:
7:25 PM CDT
Private Residence
Print Pool
10:15 pm
The President departs Austin, Texas en route Andrews Air Force Base
Local Event Time:
9:15 PM CDT
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport
Open Press
Pool Call Time: 
8:30 AM
AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: 
AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: 
Financial Times
Out of Town
Pool Call Time: 
9:15 AM – Virginia Gate, Andrews Air Force Base
AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: 
AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: 