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Resources: Protecting the Environment

On the Road

Information on the environmental impacts of transportation.

Climate Change: What You Can Do on the Road - The burning of fuels releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere and contributes to climate change, but these emissions can be reduced by improving your car's fuel efficiency. You can steps to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the nation's dependence on oil and save money.

Save fuel, money, and the environment by choosing SmartWay certified vehicles. Vehicles that receive the SmartWay designation are very good environmental performers relative to other vehicles; the best environmental performers receive the SmartWay Elite designation. Learn more about EPA's other SmartWay programs at epa.gov/smartway.

Consumer Information - Part of the Office of Transportation and Air Quality (formerly: Office of Mobile Sources) Web site, this section provides consumers with a variety of information for controlling air pollution from motor vehicles, farm and construction equipment, and other sources.

The Plain English Guide To The Clean Air Act: Mobile sources - The 1990 Clean Air Act takes a comprehensive approach to reducing pollution from motor vehicles. This publication explains how the Act provides for cleaning up fuels, cars, trucks, buses and other motor vehicles.

US EPA Fuel Economy Guide - This fuel economy guide lists the fuel ecomony (MPG) estimates based on results of tests by the U.S. EPA. These tests are used to certify that vehicles meet the Federal emissions and fuel economy standards.

Green Vehicle Guide - Helps consumers choose the cleanest and most efficient vehicle that meets their needs. The Guide rates cars and trucks according to their emissions and fuel economy performance and provides consumers with information on how to make environmentally-informed choices when purchasing a vehicle. Green Vehicle Guide tips to save gas and improve mileage

Drive wise to reduce air pollution - Learn how to be more environmentally friendly when you need to get somewhere.

Automobile Emissions: An Overview - Driving a private car is probably a typical citizen's most "polluting" daily activity. This publication discusses various types of automobile emissions and what is being done to control them.

Your Car and Clean Air: What YOU Can Do to Reduce Pollution - This fact sheet answers some of the most common questions about reducing emissions from private vehicles. Vehicle emissions contribute to health and environmental problems such as urban smog, air toxics, and global warming.

Reducing Waste When You Travel (PDF) (4 pp, 235K, About PDF) - This EPA publication (EPA 530-F-04-019) provides tips for reducing waste and recycling when traveling.

Tips to Save Gas and Improve Mileage (PDF) (2 pp, 20K, About PDF) - This publication answers frequently asked questions about saving gasoline, improving mileage, and what to consider when buying a car.

Automobiles and Carbon Monoxide (4 pp, 23K, About PDF) - Nationwide, two-thirds of the carbon monoxide emissions come from transportation sources, with the largest contribution coming from highway motor vehicles. This publication discusses what is being done to control carbon monoxide levels.

Automobiles and Ozone (6 pp, 63K, About PDF) - In typical urban areas, at least half of the ozone pollutants come from cars, buses, trucks, and off-highway mobile sources such as construction vehicles and boats. This publication discusses what is being done to control ozone levels.

State and Local Transportation Resources - Provides state and local air quality regulators and transportation planners with access to critical information regarding transportation programs and mobile source incentive-based programs, partnership opportunities, grant funding sources, useful contact names, and technical assistance.

Bike to Work - Bicycle riding can improve your health, save you money, and help you protect the environment. Each year Bike To Work Week is celebrated by thousands of people, and is a reminder to dust off and gear up for the riding season.

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Avoid Traffic Snarls and Save Gas by Dialing 511

In many parts of the U.S., drivers can now get current road and traffic reports by phone. Call 511 from a cell phone or land line for information about traffic, accidents, road closures and severe weather on major roads in your area. Map showing states with 511 access.   Exit EPA Disclaimer 

Resources for Concerned Citizens

United We Serve - Serve.gov Search for volunteer opportunities in your community at Serve.gov

Learn about Your Right to Know

Right-to-know laws provide information about possible chemical exposures. Discover resources EPA provides the public in the spirit of right-to-know.

Learn about your right to know >>

Search for and Comment on Regulations

Our proposed regulations are almost always open to the public for comment. Your participation leads to better regulations.

Search for and comment on regulations >>

At Home and in the Garden

Tips for home safety, avoiding potential risks, and preventing pollution by recycling and conserving water and energy.

Protect the environment at home and in your garden >>

At Work

Information about preventing pollution in your workplace, and raising awareness of health and safety issues.

Keep work environments safe >>

On the Road

Consumer information about the environmental impacts of transportation plus tips on cleaner cars, saving gas and improving mileage, boating pollution prevention tips, and more.

Learn about the environmental impacts of transportation >>

At School

Whether you are a student or a teacher in a class about the environment, EPA has lots of educational resources to offer you.

Keep school environments safe >>

While Shopping

Find helpful information on how to choose purchases that will reduce pollution, save energy and money.

Learn to be an environmentally-savvy shopper >>

In Your Community

Learn how to protect your neighborhood's natural resources, and get information on air and water quality in your community.

Protect the environment in your community >>

Think Globally, Act Locally

Learn about environmental issues that impact our world, and about programs, opportunities, and tools to help you get involved and make a difference in your community.

More on thinking globally and acting locally >>

Report a Violation or Emergency

Information on potential environmental violations and how to report a suspicious situation. To report oil and chemical spills, call the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802.

Learn how to report violations and emergencies | Information on natural disasters >>

Children's Health

Information on how to protect children from toxins, the sun, lead, and other potential environmental health threats.

More on children's health >>

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