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Resources: Protecting the Environment

In Your Community

How do I learn about environmental conditions in my community?
How can I help my community answer questions about environmental health concerns?
How can I help to prevent pollution?
How can I help manage waste?
Is the air outside healthy?
How can I learn about toxic releases?
How can I help manage water progressively in my community?
How can I protect my drinking water?
Is it safe to swim at my favorite beach?
How can I prevent marine engine pollution?
How can I protect my watershed and/or my coastline?
How can I get resources to improve my local environment?
Where can I find information on environmental issues and solutions for my community?

How do I learn about environmental conditions in my community?

MyEnvironment is a mapping tool that features a wide range of information about environmental conditions in an area of your choice. Enter your zip code, address, or a nearby water body, and MyEnvironment will show you sites nearby that report to EPA the storage, handling or emission of pollutants into land, air or water. It offers refined searching by industry (such as manufacturing), media (emissions to land, air or water), pollutant, or geographic location.
For more information:

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How can I help my community answer questions about environmental health concerns?

The Community Action for Environmental Public Health web page is a one-stop shop providing resources to communities working on environmental and environmental public health action. It is designed to service communities in general, and specifically grant recipients such as Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) projects and environmental justice leadership communities, as well as communities otherwise engaged with particular EPA programs.

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How can I help to prevent pollution?

Now you can prevent pollution in lots of environmentally and economically beneficial ways. Extracting and using raw materials creates pollution and uses energy. By changing the way you use products and resources you can prevent pollution and save money. Preventing pollution provides cleaner air and water, less waste in landfills, conservation of natural resources, reduced soil erosion, lower electricity and water bills, and increased property values.
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How can I help manage waste?

Citizens in every community - including schools, businesses, and local governments - must work together to reduce and better manage our waste.
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Is the air outside healthy?

EPA's Air Quality Index (AQI) provides daily air quality reports. The AQI tells you how clean or polluted your outdoor air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for you. The AQI focuses on health effects you may experience within a few hours or days after breathing polluted air.
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How can I learn about toxic releases?

EPA's Toxics Release Inventory contains information on releases of nearly 650 chemicals and chemical substances from facilities including manufacturing, metal and coal mining, electric utilities, and commercial hazardous waste treatment, among others.
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How can I help manage water progressively in my community?

Communities work to develop and implement sustainable water management programs to meet the present and future water needs of residents and businesses. By promoting water-efficient practices and services through incentive programs and educating residents and businesses about water efficiency, you can help protect water resources for future generations.
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How can I protect my drinking water?

There are lots of ways that you can help keep your local water supply safe. You can help to protect the watershed that surrounds it.
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Is it safe to swim at my favorite beach?

Find out whether your favorite beach water quality is being monitored, who is responsible for the monitoring, the pollutants that are being monitored, and whether advisories or closures have been issued.
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How can I prevent marine engine pollution?

If you’re one of 12 million boat owners in the United States, you can find ways to reduce hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxides emissions from your engine.
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How can I protect my watershed and/or my coastline?

Discover what you can do to make a difference in your watershed, and learn more about nearby estuaries, lakes, streams, and rivers. Learn what you can do to protect our oceans and coasts.
For more information:

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How can I get resources to improve my local environment?

The Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) program offers grants to fund collaborative partnerships of local residents, governments and businesses that reduce toxic pollutants in their local environments and minimize people's exposure to those pollutants.

Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE)

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Where can I find information on environmental issues and solutions for my community?

The CARE Resource Guide will help you navigate EPA's Web site to find information that can help you improve the environment in your community.

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Paris, Virginia as seen from Sky Meadows State Park

Resources for Concerned Citizens

United We Serve - Serve.gov Search for volunteer opportunities in your community at Serve.gov

Learn about Your Right to Know

Right-to-know laws provide information about possible chemical exposures. Discover resources EPA provides the public in the spirit of right-to-know.

Learn about your right to know >>

Search for and Comment on Regulations

Our proposed regulations are almost always open to the public for comment. Your participation leads to better regulations.

Search for and comment on regulations >>

At Home and in the Garden

Tips for home safety, avoiding potential risks, and preventing pollution by recycling and conserving water and energy.

Protect the environment at home and in your garden >>

At Work

Information about preventing pollution in your workplace, and raising awareness of health and safety issues.

Keep work environments safe >>

On the Road

Consumer information about the environmental impacts of transportation plus tips on cleaner cars, saving gas and improving mileage, boating pollution prevention tips, and more.

Learn about the environmental impacts of transportation >>

At School

Whether you are a student or a teacher in a class about the environment, EPA has lots of educational resources to offer you.

Keep school environments safe >>

While Shopping

Find helpful information on how to choose purchases that will reduce pollution, save energy and money.

Learn to be an environmentally-savvy shopper >>

In Your Community

Learn how to protect your neighborhood's natural resources, and get information on air and water quality in your community.

Protect the environment in your community >>

Think Globally, Act Locally

Learn about environmental issues that impact our world, and about programs, opportunities, and tools to help you get involved and make a difference in your community.

More on thinking globally and acting locally >>

Report a Violation or Emergency

Information on potential environmental violations and how to report a suspicious situation. To report oil and chemical spills, call the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802.

Learn how to report violations and emergencies | Information on natural disasters >>

Children's Health

Information on how to protect children from toxins, the sun, lead, and other potential environmental health threats.

More on children's health >>

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