Pricey Pinenuts Kicked to the Curb, for Now

May 9, 2011 by The Food Guy
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I’m all for splurging on a primo ingredient to make a recipe really sing — especially for a special occasion – but even I have to draw the line at $8 pinenuts.

We invited my wife’s mom over for a special Mother’s Day brunch this past Sunday for a Potato, Spinach and Leek Fritatta with a few grilled sausages served on the side. I wanted to make a nice salad to accompany the meal, so I ran to Kroger for some fresh greens, goat cheese and dried cranberries that I planned to toss with a homemade honey balsamic vinaigrette. I thought a few toasted pinenuts would add a nice nutty crunch, so I reached for a bag and …

Spent the next few seconds trying to catch my breath!

Pinenuts have always been on the pricey side, but $7.99 for less than a handful was too much for me to handle. So I grabbed some chopped macadamia nuts instead (hey, only a buck!) which made for a really nice — and wallet-friendly — substitute.

We enjoyed them so much, in fact, that our beloved pinenuts may take a backseat until they come down a little in price.

The salad rocked, by the way, and here’s what I whisked together to dress it …


  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Honey
  • Dijon mustard
  • Pepper

The proportions depend on how much you need and how sweet, salty or tart you want it. I started with about 1/4 cup olive oil, then added a tablespoon (maybe two) of vinegar, a squirt of honey, a small dollop of mustard and a few turns of the pepper mill.

Sipping Tips on Mastering West Virginia’s Top Spirit

May 4, 2011 by The Food Guy
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Annual surveys by folks who care what we imbibe always show that West Virginia’s drink of choice — at least when it comes to high-octane refreshment — is vodka. We Mountaineers purchase (and, presumably, consume) more of that crisp, clear liquor than we do whiskey, bourbon, scotch or what have you.

I do enjoy the occassional vodka martini (Ketel One, up, dusty, bleu-cheese olives) so you’ll get no argument from me now that the people have spoken.

And if you’d like to learn some of the more civilized ways to sip, savor and appreciate this popular libation, the folks at Iceberg Vodka (now available across the state) offer this bit of information and advice:

Vodka 101: Steps to becoming a Vodka Connoisseur

 The word vodka comes from the Russian word for water (“voda”) and means literally “little water.” With so many different brands of “little water” on the market, how do you know which one’s for you?

“Generally, the purer the water used to make the vodka, the better the taste,” says Frank Heaps, CEO of the Newfoundland-based distiller. ”There is a wide range of vodka brands on the market, all distilled differently, and people should taste test them, as they would wine, to understand and appreciate the differences.

“The secret is to take the time to savor and enjoy vodka, not just as a shot or in a mixed drink. Knowing how to taste vodka and discovering a personal favorite can mean the difference between mixing an okay drink and an amazing drink.”

His five steps to becoming a vodka connoisseur? 

1.      First and foremost, use a chilled glass. Sipping vodka that has been slightly chilled brings out the natural flavours and “nose” and allows you to savor the taste. Don’t just chug it back, tempting as that is,  instead sip slowly in small swallows. The purer the vodka, the easier it will go down and its lack of hard edge will be very noticeable. Keep the vodka bottle in the fridge so it remains cold. Note: A square bottle sits better on the shelf, takes up less room and won’t roll over onto the leftover meatloaf. Never store vodka in the freezer. Extreme cold can ruin the “nose” and taste.

2.      Before taking a drink, put the glass to your nose and breathe in. A pure, high-quality vodka will have a subtle aroma of fruit, grain or spice and identifying these will ensure that you are drinking superior vodka. 

3.      Now have a drink! Depending on what it is distilled from, you should be able to identify the differences in flavor and craftsmanship of the vodka, much like with a fine wine. Corn, potatoes, rye and wheat are used for distilling vodka. Try to taste the difference!

4.      Forget about your mixer. The only way to taste vodka’s true characteristics is to drink it straight up!

5.      Pour another and enjoy your next sip! Experts became experts by practicing! (EDITOR’S NOTE: Within reason, of course.)

Healthy Eating … From a Vending Machine?!

April 29, 2011 by The Food Guy
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From the “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” Department, I recently received one of those baffling press releases that left me scratching my head.

Entitled “Tips for Eating Healthfully From a Vending Machine,” the release warned against falling into the junk food trap when inevitably faced with a vending machine as your only option for a much-needed snack. This California-based company is hoping to change all of that with a new line of machines offering things like fresh fruit and vegetables, soy milk and yogurt.

But I’m guessing those won’t make it here anytime soon, so take a look at how they suggest you make better decisions at existing vending machines in the meantime …

  1. Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables first.
  2. To save calories on beverages, opt for flavored water, unsweetened iced tea, milk or soymilk.
  3. Try to limit your snack option to 100 calories, and pay attention to the number of servings.
  4. Opt for nutrient-dense foods that satisfy your hunger longer, such as fruits, vegetables, yogurt, natural granola bars and smoothies.
  5. Determine whether you are hungry or just thirsty. People often fill up on calories, when really they are simply dehydrated.

Really, that’s your ground-breaking advice?

Here’s mine: Don’t eat crap out of vending machines.

Check Out These Crazy Chips: Squid, Browned Eel?

April 26, 2011 by The Food Guy
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If you think the flavored potato chip craze has gotten out of hand in the U.S. — what with all the chili-and-lime this and cracked-pepper that — you should take a look at the snacks you can find abroad.

In May’s new travel food issue, Budget Travel magazine offers a roundup of some of the more exotic flavors of potato chips you can find across the country and around the world. Among the selections …

  • Voodoo Gumbo Zapp’s in Louisiana, Crab Utz in the Mid-Atlantic and Heinz Ketchup Herr’s in Pennsylvania.
  • Squid or browned-eel flavored chips in Japan, and shrimp or spicy rice cake chips in Korea.
  • Garlic pea chips in Taiwan, falafel-flavored in Israel or mint chutney chips in India.
  • Sweet basil Lays in Thailand or ham-flavored Ruffles in Spain.

Those last two actually sound pretty good, along with my favorite find from England — Marmite Crisps that taste like “baked potato skins washed down with beer.”

Bring it on!

A Fruit Smothered in Fat is Not “Healthy” — or Good

April 18, 2011 by The Food Guy
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I’m all for healthy eating, but let’s not kid ourselves. Sneaking one decent ingredient into a recipe otherwise filled with crap is NOT doing anyone any favors.

Exhibit A …

I get a press release this week proclaiming: “Sneak a little healthy treat into Easter with (bleep) Brand Apples.”

OK, I’ll bite. Then I read the recipe for this exciting new Easter salad that boasts two healthy apples as an ingredient. Along with:

  • 8 ounces of cream cheese
  • Nearly a full cup of mayonnaise
  • 1 pint of heavy cream
  • 1 large package of mini marshmallows
  • 1 can of drained pineapple chunks

You’re kidding me, right? There is NOTHING healthy about that combination, not to mention it doesn’t even sound good.

You’ve Got to Check Out These New West Virginia Brews!

April 13, 2011 by The Food Guy
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I’m still on Cloud 9 after last night’s fantastic Bridge Brew Works Beer Dinner at Charleston’s Bridge Road Bistro.

I enjoyed chatting with BBW owners Nathan Herrold and Ken Linch (the entire company) about their stellar new brews from Fayetteville — and enjoyed sampling them even more when paired with BRB’s special tasting menu.

After a glass of the German-malted gold Long Point Lager, the moderately hoppy English amber Bridge Brew Ale was served with an outstanding Grilled Gingered Skate Wing over delicately flavored Asian Rice Noodles. Next came the deep copper, nicely bitter India Pale Ale paired with Foie Gras-Stuffed Free Range Chicken Breast with Mushroom and Pancetta Ragout.

Fantastic Braised Swift Level Short Ribs with Balsamic-Glazed Cippolini Onions over Parsnip Whipped Potatoes were accompanied by both the Belgian-Style Dubbel (dark and malty, balanced hops) and the crisp and fruity Tripel, packing a deceptive 8.97% alcohol content. As good as this course was, dessert managed to match it with a decadent Warm Chocolate “Black Lager” Walnut Cake served with Espresso Ice Cream and the same dark, semi-dry German Black Lager that went into the cake itself.

I’m telling you, every course — and beer — was oh, so good. One of my favorite restaurants teaming up with my new favorite West Virginia microbrewery? Yep, that’s a good night.

To learn more about upstart Bridge Brew Works, visit You can also find some of their beers at the Capitol Market Wine Shop and The Liquor Company at Patrick Street, plus on tap at Pies & Pints, Bar 101 and Bridge Road Bistro.

Enjoy a Good Meal AND Help Out a Good Cause

April 10, 2011 by The Food Guy
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Reserve your spot now for Tuesday night’s 6th annual Hospice Care Benefit Dinner at Tidewater Grill. I’ve been in years past and it’s a fun night paired with a top-notch menu.

On tap this year:

  • Appetizer: Lobster cakes with red pepper coulis
  • Salad: Baby greens tossed with balsamic vinaigrette, bleu cheese crumbs, red onions and candied pecans
  • Main Course: Petite filet mignon with demi-glace and steamed vegetables, or shrimp and crabmeat-stuffed flounder with a buerre-blanc sauce
  • Dessert: Toffee caramel crunch cheesecake

The semi-formal event starts at 6 p.m. and the cost is $100 per person. Red and white wine selections (and other drinks) will also be available. All proceeds from the dinner benefit terminally ill patients and those receiving end-of-life care at Hospice of West Virginia. Over the past five years, this annual event has raised more than $70,000 for Hospice.

Seating is limited, so reservations are required in advance by calling 888-456-3463.

Spring Cleaning Supplies? Just Look in the Cupboard

April 6, 2011 by The Food Guy
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Some of the same ingredients you use in your cooking can help with cleaning, too. Items like vanilla, eggs and vinegar can remove tough dirt and dust or give off a warm, fresh scent. What’s more, using food items is an easy, chemical-free way to clean up around the house.

Nielsen-Massey Vanillas – makers of quality pure vanilla and flavor extracts (c’mon, you knew there had to be a corporate plug) – has a variety of spring-cleaning tips to freshen homes with flavorful ingredients straight from the kitchen. (Their words, not mine.)

A few tips include:

  • Saturate a cotton ball in vanilla and drop it in the vacuum or vacuum bag to release a sweet scent. A vanilla-drenched cotton ball can also deodorize the refrigerator or freezer.
  • To remove a coffee stain from fabric, dip a white cloth into a beaten egg yolk and rub the yolk into the stain. Then rinse with water.
  • After cleaning the refrigerator, add a dash of lemon extract to the rinse water for a fresh scent.
  • Place vanilla beans in drawers, under car seats and in laundry rooms to act as air fresheners.
  • Place a bowl of vinegar in an open room to absorb smoke odors.
  • Use club soda or seltzer water to clean chrome on faucets, utensils, etc.

Huntington Hotspot Serving Local Fish, Southwestern-Style

April 1, 2011 by The Food Guy
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If you happen to be down the Huntington way – or don’t mind a drive for some seriously awesome food — you should check out Chili Willi’s “Spring Fresh Seafood Weekend” menu.

The hotspoknown for hot (as in great, not necessarily spicy) Southwestern cuisine has also been offering some special dishes featuring seafood from right here in West Virginia or along the East Coast. This week’s fresh catch:

  • Wood-grilled West Virginia trout with smoked tomato-chiptole butter, served with garlic mashed potatoes and wood-grilled asparagus.
  • Pan-sauteed Boston flounder with an apricot-chipotle glaze, served with pepita rice and wood-grilled asparagus.

 Sounds good to me!

IF YOU GO: Chili Willi’s, 1315 Fourth Ave., Huntington — (304) 529-4857,

Love the Sweet Taste of … VINDICATION!

March 29, 2011 by The Food Guy
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 So, if you’re a regular reader of mine, you know I have a pretty severe aversion to chain restaurants.

 But you also know I’ve been known to praise The Olive Garden a time or two, even though just last week I wrote about how crazy celeb chef Anthony Bourdain — a man who will eat anything — ranks an Olive Garden meal as one of the five worst things he’s ever put in his mouth. (Joining the likes of fermented warthog and other creepy-crawlies, so that’s pretty incriminating.)

Ye ol’ Garden’s ”love it or loathe it” debate always blows up my inbox, but I was particularly pleased when just this week A RESPECTED LOCAL FOOD WRITER (someone with ”foodie” cred, so there) wrote to confide that he/she, too, loves The Olive Garden …

“I LOVE OLIVE GARDEN, TOO! We both know what we’re talking about when it concerns food, how it should be prepared and who did what how, so I guess we’re both qualified to recognize good when we taste it.”


“They do a superb job for a chain and we’ve never been disappointed.”

Picture me grinning, like the cat who ate the canary.