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Um, hell no: RT@Douglaspaul Is there anything sexier than being called "honey" by someone with a genuine Brooklyn or British accent? Um, no.
My moon night 2.0: I loved it when the moon popped out from behind the clouds and everyone gasped together and saw they were not alone.
Sometimes the moon is so bright, it makes you want to wrap your arms around it.
Fun meeting with folks from Louisville, a hip town, largely unscathed by credit mess. "Our prop values never went up." Vctry by non-default.
@ProfNet Right. No one can tell me that isn't really him. He really is that person.
Gary Busey pitches his dream book.
@sarahcuda Oh darlin', every day I dream I could be you! But I do have pinot & mini brownies to cheer up the mag staff. Shh. Its a surprise!
Two pm and the search is on for a wine opener. YES. This is my kind of Friday.
@douglaspaul ThinkGeorge Clinton: Atomic social media dawg- why must I be like dat, why must I chase the Graph? Nutn but the dawg in me
The bumpy road ahead for health care, Price Waterhouse's impt report for 2009 -
Open question: What does the SEC do again? Does anyone remember?
Well now I'm worried that @ariherzog will unfollow me. Looking to offer value...say something much pressure
@LydiaBreakfast It's like I'm in a coma, then I look up & think - who lives like this? A cat who cannot escape and the occsnl innocent victm
Something smells funny in my apartment... sniff, sniff. Oh yeah, it's my LIFE. Curiosity+Ambition+Economic Anxiety+Workaholism=my house.
Uh oh - RT @propublica Jackson Jr.’s Supporters Were Raising Money for Blago
@JoeTrippi Totally agree on Grijalva, I blogged about him not long ago. Smart guy, prescient on the foreclosure mess. Rock on.
@misssmith11 Yes she is, darling. That is a great update. And thanks for the cupcake.
Earl Grey and Gettelfinger: enjoying my pal Alex Taylor frm Fortune on CNBC. He's forgtten more about auto indstry than most folks ever knew
Fast Company econ indicator alert: Workers went from this- to this - in less than 2 months
Finished interview with a well known analyst. The housing data he generated that the Fed, his client, should have listend to, was prescient.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Xeni Jardin om Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Kathy Johnson Scott Beale Erika Hall Dylan Tweney Dave Morin Jackson West Jason Calacanis Caterina Stowe Boyd Brian Solis Robert Scoble irina slutsky Kent Anil Dash francine hardaway Jeremiah Peter Kafka CNN Breaking News Technorati Kevin Rose Joi Ito Ars Technica Loic Le Meur Pierre Omidyar Paul Maiorana Tim McGhee The New York Times Jennifer Fader Lynne d Johnson
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