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  1. More statements of support for President Obama’s commitment to fix our broken #immigration system:
  2. Thanks for all the Qs on #immigration reform: Keep the convo going here & more ways to join:
  3. .@AVANCEinc: Great Q! We need a debate on what will be most effective in fixing what's broken. Border enforcement alone won't do it.
  4. .@muybna: Can't deport 10 million people, so this is a 1-time opening to pay taxes & fine, learn English, get on the right side of the law.
  5. .@wchachar: #immigration reforms have always been bipartisan, public officials need to fix what's broken. This fight is not a waste of time.
  6. .@RonArevalo: Hopefully as soon as possible, but this is up to Congress. That's why Prez is engaging business, faith & other new partners.
  7. .@omarjorge: In a democracy the Prez can't just bypass Congress even when he disagrees with the policy. So we need to elevate the debate.
  8. .@lsarsour: we did what was asked on the border, published a policy blueprint:, engaging new voices to elevate the debate
  9. .@GnosticRose: We do! This DHS has a strategy, measuring results, making adjustments to maximize impact.
  10. .@RoojC We gave the #DREAMAct full support in Dec. and that will continue. DREAM was reintroduced today!
  11. Happening now: Cecilia Munoz, top advisor on #immigration policy, is here responding to your questions. Keep them coming.
  12. 2:30 ET: Cecilia Munoz, senior #immigration policy advisor, is taking your questions. Send q's on #immigration reform our way.
  13. Join the conversation on how we can fix our #immigration system for America's 21st century economy:
  14. The President on fixing our broken #immigration system: E Pluribus, Unum. Remarks:
  15. RT @pfeiffer44: POTUS in #immigration reform speech: We Must Pass the #DreamAct
  16. Now: President Obama speaking on creating a 21st century #immigration system, watch:
  17. Just Released: The President’s Blueprint for Building a 21st Century #Immigration System:
  18. Just before #immigration speech, Obama touring a cargo inspection facility at Bridge of the Americas Port of Entry, El Paso.
  19. Live in 25 mins @ RT @fmatos007: how can I watch the president's speech about #immigration?