Section List Archive by category ''Opinion

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  • Inspect city garages, review contracts

    It would be one thing if the crash of a concrete panel from the Lexington-owned Phoenix parking garage onto a downtown street had followed decades of neglect and inattention.

  • Letters to editor: May 11

    To improve media, bring back the Fairness Doctrine Fox Broadcasting is illegal — in Canada. That's right, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Act requires that "a licenser may not broadcast ... any false or misleading news."And if you must question why Canada...

  • Local governments need authority to close pill mills

    It would be difficult to find a local elected official in Kentucky who doesn't recognize prescription drug abuse as a major problem in his or her own community. The facts are staggering. According to the Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy: ■ The abuse of prescription pain relievers is...

  • Letters to editor: May 10

    U.S. ruthless in our attacks on other nations What a topsy-turvy world. Sen. John McCain says Moammar Gadhafi should be "taken out." Does the hit-man mentality also operate in American politics? Both candidates said the same thing of Osama bin Laden during the last presidential campaign.

  • Wuchner better choice for auditor

    Both Republican candidates for state auditor think the office can serve as a catalyst for change in state government.John T. Kemper III, a Lexington real estate developer, talks of using the office to shine a floodlight on state operations that can lead to reducing the size of government without...

  • Beshear's snub of Obama, troops a mistake

    Like the devastating events of 9/11, the daring mission to off the planet's most wanted terrorist offers a brief unifying moment for the country, indeed the civilized world. Rudy Giuliani joined President Barack Obama at a Ground Zero wreath-laying. Donald Rumsfeld teamed with Vice President Joseph...

  • E-cigs must be tested, regulated for safety

    At issue | April 26 Associated Press story, "E-cigs to be regulated as tobacco; FDA decision seen as victory for makers of smokeless devices"Electronic, or e-cigarettes, are aggressively marketed in Kentucky. Their manufacturers' trade group, E-Cig Association, and the closely affiliated Consumer...

  • Mothers, sick babies need more Ky. care

    At issue | April 19 Herald-Leader editorial "Preemie decision needs thought; expansion may diminish care"The editorial got it exactly right when it stated, "what's at stake is an important policy concern for all of Kentucky and a potentially harmful precedent for preemies." The problem is that...

  • Citizens suffer consequences of poor nursing-home staffing

    At issue | April 22 Herald-Leader editorial, "Dental neglect at nursing home; poor staffing a problem across state"The Herald-Leader was, once again, right on target. The main point of the editorial, besides that oral care in most nursing homes in Kentucky is atrocious, was that this kind of abuse...

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