Sign up for mobile text alerts

There are two ways to sign up. Just click on the boxes next to the alerts you want (above),
add your mobile number and then click the Sign Up! button.
You can also sign up on your phone by texting the keyword to 72737.

Breaking News
Stay informed with breaking news alerts.
(Text keyword "lhlnews" to 72737 to sign up from your phone.)

Dining Deals
Interested in restaurant discounts, sign-up for our weekly dining deals.
(Text keyword "deals" to 72737 to sign up from your phone.)

Sports Scores
Get UK basketball, football and Sweet 16 scores as soon as the game ends.
(Text keyword "lhlscores" to 72737 to sign up from your phone.)

For HELP text "help lhlnews", "help lhlscores" or "help deals" to 72737.
To UNSUBSCRIBE text "stop lhlnews", "stop lhlscores" or "stop deals" to 72737.

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Check here to accept the terms and conditions

Approved carriers: AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, Nextel, Alltell, US Cellular, Dobson, Cincinnati Bell, Boost

Terms and Conditions
By signing up for a text alert from this site, you are signing up for a monthly program that includes up to 3 SMS text alert(s) per alert category per day. There is no service fee charged per month but your carrier's standard text messaging and other rates may apply. You may stop this subscription service at any time by sending the text message "STOP" or "CANCEL" to 72737. You must be at least thirteen (13) years of age to use alert services. If you are between 13 and 17 years old, you agree that you have received parental permission both to complete the registration process and to receive SMS content on your cell phone. For help, send the text message "HELP" to 72737. If you have any questions, please contact customer service at