Obamacare on Townhall

  • Mitt Not Fit Mon Nov 7
    John Ransom
    At least, if Mitt flipped, he also flopped, unlike Huntsman who apparently has no problem plagiarizing President George the First’s criticisms of Bill Clinton in his Waffle House reference. ... more
  • Donald Lambro
    If President Obama ever expected the economy to improve significantly before the 2012 election, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke buried that hope this week. ... more
  • Rachel Alexander
    Three years ago, conservative Republicans were falling all over themselves to support Mitt Romney in the Republican primary over John McCain. ... more
  • David Malcolm
    It is a revealing, and perhaps sad, commentary on the state of the GOP nomination process that so little - if any - discussion has been spent on the proper role of the federal government's most powerful branch, the scope of its powers, and the identity of its future members. ... more
  • Rich Tucker
    When politicians head out on tour, it’s often because they need to drum up support for unpopular policies. ... more
  • John Hawkins
    There are a lot of fine candidates running for President who are not Mitt Romney. You can certainly say fantastic things about Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann and some of the other candidates who are reaching for that brass ring. Like everyone running, Newt Gingrich has his flaws, but given the state of the race, it's time to start giving Newt serious consideration. ... more
  • Bob Beauprez
    Barack Obama has a problem with numbers. Sometimes he just gets them wrong, and sometimes the numbers aren't very nice to him. ... more
  • Katie Kieffer
    I have tax reform guidelines, and they’re not for dummies. My guidelines are for smart people who think rationally. Irrational folks like Warren Buffet may need to eat a bag of Halloween candy before they’re alert enough to understand my conception of ethical taxation. ... more
  • Lurita Doan
    It's becoming clear: Obama thinks American voters are stupid. Anyone believing Obama's current campaign promises is either gullible or amnesia-prone. Increasingly, his campaign speeches indicate a rather pitiful and cynical hope that Americans will not remember his earlier promises nor will they recall past decisions by the Obama Administration that have failed so spectacularly. Obama’s reelection strategy seems dependent upon an ability to fool most of the people one more time. ... more
  • Bob Beauprez
    The shell game accounting that was employed in March 2010 by the White House and Democrats in Congress to pretend that ObamaCare would actually reduce the federal deficit was embarrassingly transparent. ... more
  • John Ransom
    Like every program designed by Obama, he reckoned we'd all get caught in the snare of government spending and have no choice but to continue it. Even liberals saw this coming, but did nothing about it and states now have been left cleaning up another liberal mess. ... more
  • Linda Chavez
    Last week, the Obama administration dropped one of the signature provisions of its healthcare plan. The CLASS Act (Community Living Assistance Services) was intended to provide affordable insurance for long-term care to individuals who, because of infirmity or age, could no longer care for themselves. ... more
  • Jeff Carter
    The Greek economy is puny. The city of Los Angeles has more economic activity. But the lessons of Greece are large. ... more
  • Star Parker
    Last week the House passed with bi-partisan support the Protect Life Act, which amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to assure that no taxpayer dollars will be used to fund abortion. It also assures that health care providers which do not wish to provide abortions are not forced to by government. ... more
  • Julie Gunlock
    The media likes to use the word “epidemic” and “health crisis” to hype problems and draw an audience's attention. When we are talking about the so-called “childhood obesity epidemic,” a little sober analysis would benefit the discussion. ... more
  • John Hawkins
    He has excellent name recognition, he's extremely well organized, he's a great fundraiser, he's become a polished debater, and he's not gaffe prone....All that being said, there's a reason why Mitt Romney has been unable to walk away with the nomination despite all of those advantages. ... more
  • John Ransom
    This is the first presidency in history that has substituted a policy platform for a list of demands. The mistake that many made was thinking those demands were a Christmas shopping list, when in fact they were a demand for your indenture to the federal government. ... more
  • Crystal Wright
    Occupy Wall Street is NO Tea Party! The masses of people collecting in New York City, across the country and world in the name of OWS look more like riots (reminiscent of the 1960s free love variety) than a movement. Participants in this “inchoate” movement as liberal and conservative media have described it, have trashed parks, attacked police, set cars ablaze and paraded around topless in the name of what? ... more
  • Derek Hunter
    “What do they want?” is a common refrain in the media these days. Left-wing talking heads and progressive TV hosts are still scrambling to figure out exactly what the “Occupy Wall Street” crowd is up to. ... more
  • Don’t Dis Cain Sat Oct 15
    John Ransom
    Cain has two things going for him that have intersected in time and could make his candidacy truly historic- unlike the canned, Nobel-prize winning infomercial Democrats put on for the mile-high, but inch deep Barack Obama. ... more
  • Robert Knight
    As a school board member in Kanawha County, West Virginia in the early 1970s, Alice Moore ignited what might be considered the opening battle of America’s culture war in education. ... more