Campaigns and Elections on Townhall

  • Matt Towery
    A new Poll Position national survey taken right after Herman Cain's press conference to deny sexual harassment charges shows Cain still clinging to a lead, but with Newt Gingrich charging towards the top, statistically tied with Mitt Romney and within points of Cain. ... more
  • Paul Greenberg
    Of the stage-full of Republican hopefuls running for president this year, Mitt Romney is beginning to emerge as the only serious one in sight. It's his sober rather than angry approach to the issues that appeals. Now he's showing another mark of responsible leadership: a willingness to take unpopular stands the rest of the candidates may know are right but don't dare risk. ... more
  • Hugh Hewitt
    There are at least five debates scheduled for the entire GOP field in the balance of November, and one “Lincoln-Douglas” style debate between Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain as well, set for tomorrow in Texas. ... more
  • Debra J. Saunders
    Who wants to be Paula Jones? Or Kathleen Willey or Anita Hill? All three women have accused political icons -- Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton and Clarence Thomas -- of sexually harassing them. ... more
  • Cain-sian Politics Wed Nov 2
    Rich Galen
    I haven't got a clue what happened or didn't happen while Herman Cain was CEO of the National Restaurant Association. There appear to be fewer than a dozen people -- the two women and their lawyers, the general counsel and whoever produced the paperwork at the association, the people who wrote and signed the checks, and Herman Cain -- who do know, and as of this writing none of them are talking. So, let's put aside what, if anything, Cain did wrong. ... more
  • No Shame Wed Nov 2
    Michael Reagan
    Ask yourself: If similar accusations were aimed at any liberal candidate would the mainstream media, aside from condemning the charges, give them much publicity? Ask Paula Jones, harassed by the media for daring to accuse President Clinton of sexually abusing her. They smeared her mercilessly. ... more
  • Michael Medved
    With Rick Perry suddenly pushing a flat tax and Herman Cain substantively revising his popular 9-9-9 revenue plan, GOP candidates may finally refocus their feverish, fatuous immigration obsession, dropping an issue emphasis that’s destructive, distracting, demented and downright dumb. ... more
  • David Limbaugh
    There he goes again. President Obama, on the campaign stump, rails against the "rich," saying our "wealth gap" shows a need for a "fairer approach." ... more
  • Another 'Borking?' Tue Nov 1
    Mona Charen
    It has the feel of an ambush -- this sexual harassment story involving Herman Cain. ... more
  • Phyllis Schlafly
    Does Rick Perry want to undermine traditional marriage? This question leaps out from his new 20 percent flat-tax plan, which would eliminate all tax advantages for married couples where one spouse is the primary breadwinner. ... more
  • Measuring Iowa Mon Oct 31
    Rich Galen
    Mitt Romney has a strong base of support in Iowa which has not abandoned him in four years. Although they don't get much press, Iowa's moderate wing is loyal and will continue to turn out. ... more
  • David Morris
    Herman Cain just may represent the greatest threat to the viability of the Democratic Party since the 1960s. The reason why is simple: Because he is black. And he's a Republican. ... more
  • David Malcolm
    Despite the surging Herman Cain, the White House’s attempt to link his health care advisors to the much-maligned and constitutionally dubious Obamacare, and tepid support from the Tea Party, Mitt Romney and his backers are confident. ... more
  • Jonah Goldberg
    There's only one way the Occupy Wall Street movement can become like the tea parties, and that's for Barack Obama to lose in 2012. Why? Because Obama is the most divisive figure in American politics today. ... more
  • Victor Davis Hanson
    Not long ago, candidate Obama promised to cool the planet and lower the rising seas. Indeed, he campaigned on passing "cap-and-trade" legislation, a radical, costly effort to reduce America's traditional carbon energy use. ... more
  • Debra J. Saunders
    In 2007 and 2008, Democrats assured one another, "Anyone would be better than Bush." Now you hear the Republican version: "Anyone would be better than Obama." ... more
  • Susan Brown
    British author Graham Greene so aptly wrote in his novel "The Power and the Glory," "There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in." Rather than one moment, for me, it was a collection of moments growing up in a home in which my folks did not divvy out weekly allowances unless they were earned, and encouraged us to attend college but did not pay the bill. ... more
  • Chuck Norris
    Despite high unemployment, continued bad news across fiscal America and a presidency that has lacked luster and restorative productivity, Barack Obama's stats continue to rival his top GOP challengers. And let's not forget that he still has the mainstream media hypnotically backing him or that his campaign machine hasn't even unleashed its billion dollars, according to Mike Huckabee, to combat his competitor. ... more
  • New Hampshire
    This certainly won't do anything to help her < 2% polling results ... more
  • Rich Galen
    Muammar Gadhafi is dead. Good. Naturally, in this era of litigating everything, everywhere, all the time; the question of how he actually died has become an issue because the rules of engagement generally state you can kill someone who is actively trying to kill you, but you can't kill him after you've taken him into custody. ... more
  • Salena Zito
    TULSA, Okla. – “I don't say I am no better than anybody else but I’ll be damned if I ain’t just as good.” ... more
  • Daniel Doherty
    The famous humorist Will Rogers once said, “We always want the best man to win an election. Unfortunately, he never runs.” ... more
  • Victor Davis Hanson
    Last week, protests broke out again in Europe, from Rome to London. The monthlong Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in New York have spread. The current unrest follows this summer's riots in London and flash mob incidents in U.S. cities. In 2009 and 2010, Tea Parties turned out hundreds of thousands in protests against the Obama administration's policies and eventually gave him the largest midterm rebuke since 1938. ... more
  • Justin Hart
    In 2004, hundreds of Mormons crowded into the Provo Tabernacle and listened intently as the speaker, who was not a member of the LDS faith, exclaimed, "We have sinned against you." ... more
  • Rich Galen
    This debate was actually watchable. I'm not certain if it was because Anderson Cooper was such a good marshal, if the candidates have now done 274 debates, or both, but it was fun to watch. ... more