Budget and Government on Townhall

  • Jacob Sullum
    Presenting his fiscal plan in USA Today last week, Mitt Romney said he wants to "eliminate every government program that is not absolutely essential." That sounds good until you realize that Romney's goal of cutting $500 billion from projected federal outlays in 2016 would, at best, leave the budget about 8 percent higher than it is now and only 11 percent lower than it would be without any attempt to restrain spending. ... more
  • Lurita Doan
    If a man is judged by the company he keeps--what does Obama's choices say about him? Consider Obama's choices for his economic advisors. There seem to be three overarching principles that guide their decision-making--all bad. ... more
  • John C. Goodman
    In an incredible admission of failure, the Obama administration has abandoned the long term care insurance program that was part of Obama Care. The reason: The health reform act had a provision that required the Secretary of Health and Human Services to certify that the program would be solvent for 75 years before the program could be launched. ... more
  • Jon Sanders
    Toward the end of Hamlet, the Queen remarks, "One woe doth tread upon another's heel, so fast they follow." I was reminded of her doleful remark Wednesday as the president promoted his latest inane budget-busting panacea. ... more
  • Steve Chapman
    For the next 12 months, Americans will be in suspense waiting to find out who will win the presidential election and thus determine the fate of the nation for years to come. Too bad that by then, it may not matter so much. ... more
  • Judge Andrew Napolitano
    The federal government has lost another 72 million of your tax dollars. Here we go again. ... more
  • Peter Ferrara
    At the Heritage Foundation last week, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan demonstrated why he doesn't need to be running for President to be framing the debate for 2012. He delivered there on October 26 a breathtakingly beautiful speech on Saving the American Idea, which defines the Spirit of 2012. ... more
  • Austin Bay
    To the chagrin of European Union negotiators, the Greek government of Prime Minister George Papandreou has decided to ask the Greek public to give its yea or nay regarding the terms of the European Union's latest bailout agreement. ... more
  • Washington D.C.
    The House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy explains how it is the Democrat Senate and President that currently stalls the federal process. ... more
  • Mark W. Hendrickson
    Whoever takes the oath of office as President of the United States in January of 2013 will inherit an economy facing multiple challenges. ... more
  • Star Parker
    Paul Ryan is a man every American should be listening to. We need to get back to identifying and emulating success. Not empathizing with and subsidizing failure. ... more
  • David Limbaugh
    With his latest pseudo-compassionate expansion of the student loan program, President Obama reminds us why we ask whether he is simply unable to learn from history or he is indifferent to government waste incurred in pursuit of "good intentions." ... more
  • Washington D.C.
    We are reminded on how government spending stifles productivity, courtesy of the Cato Institute. ... more
  • Washington D.C.
    In a recent "supercommitee" session for Joint Deficit Reduction, Senator Pat Toomey questions the Director of the Congressional Budget Office on the current strategy of stimuli. ... more
  • Washington D.C.
    Now you too can dodge the truth of the numbers like none other than the master himself. Order now. ... more
  • EAT THE RICH!!! Fri Oct 28
    Bill Whittle advocates that we "soak the rich" of all their cash...as he illustrates the failure of such a scheme. ... more
  • Daniel Doherty
    On Wednesday, Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-R) gave a major address at the Heritage Foundation entitled “Saving the American Ideal: Rejecting Fear, Envy and the Politics of Division.” ... more
  • Ben Shapiro
    This week, the Euro members got together to attempt to solve the crisis. Many of the members are no longer interested in bailing out Greece -- they are sick of the redistributive socialism of the eurozone. They don't want to have to create slush funds for the different countries to raid based on how much they feel like spending. The grand Lennon-esque experiment is failing. ... more
  • David Limbaugh
    President Obama couldn't have chosen a more fitting slogan than "We can't wait" to promote his latest legislative elixir for our ailing economy. What could be cleverer than to employ double meaning in aid of doublespeak? ... more
  • Dan Holler
    It is time for our leaders in Congress – the ones lifted into power by a conservative wave – to take a bold, principled stand and put an end to energy subsidies. These subsidies distort private sector investment, waste taxpayer dollars, and allow the government to pick winners and losers. ... more
  • John C. Goodman
    If you live in a middle-class household, you generally expect your needs to be met through the marketplace. You buy or rent housing in the real estate market. When you aren't driving your own car, you catch a taxicab or maybe even hire a limo. You or your employer buy health insurance, and you choose your doctor in the medical marketplace. ... more
  • David Limbaugh
    What are we to think about a president and vice president who blow nearly a trillion dollars in borrowed money, accept no responsibility for it and then traverse the nation trying to convince Americans that if we don't spend half that much again, people will die from dilapidated bridges and women will be raped because we can't afford cops? ... more
  • Michelle Malkin
    One of my son's Suzuki violin teachers had a wise twist on an old saying: "If at first you don't succeed, try something else." The corollary? "When you do succeed, don't stop. Do it again." The White House could use some remedial Suzuki lessons in economics. They've got everything completely bass-ackward. ... more
  • Jacob Sullum
    Next month, the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, a 12-member subset of Congress that Congress created to make the hard fiscal choices Congress itself has failed to make, is expected to propose $1.2 trillion in cuts from projected spending during the next decade. ... more
  • Townhall.com Staff
    Just recently, President Obama's much-heralded "jobs" plan was derailed by the U.S. Senate, thereby adding to the evidence that it was designed with only one job in mind: the President's. ... more