Progressives on Townhall

  • Obama Unbound Thu Nov 10
    Victor Davis Hanson
    Richard Nixon went to Red China with political impunity. Had a Democrat tried that, he would have been branded a commie appeaser. ... more
  • Kyle Olson
    The Occupy Chicago crowd has unsurprisingly turned to domestic terrorist-turned-university professor Bill Ayers. ... more
  • Staff
    Why is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo hindering the Americanization of new immigrants? Like this writer Cuomo is the descendant of Italian immigrants. His father, Mario Cuomo is one of the great Italian-American success stories of the Twentieth Century. ... more
  • Sex Sells Socialism Mon Oct 24
    Katie Kieffer
    When all else fails, sex sells. The only way to sell the American public on socialism is to use sex appeal because socialism does not appeal to reason or justice. And watching handsome high rollers head to prison is no doubt an Occupy Wall Streeter’s notion of ultimate bondage sex appeal. ... more
  • Progressive America Sun Oct 23
    Derek Hunter
    Unemployment stands at 9.1 percent, with real unemployment closer to 20. Nearly 50 million Americans are on food stamps. We’ve added $4 trillion in new debt in less than three years. And there’s no sign any of this will change soon. ... more
  • Emmett Tyrrell
    I do not know what the learned political scientists of the Republic say about it, but it seems to me that the laws of the land are now so poorly written that almost no one knows what they mean. That is a government bureaucrat's delight! ... more
  • Katie Kieffer
    I believe in one God, the creator of the universe. I believe that renouncing capitalism is irrational and that to deny reason is to deny the existence of God. ... more
  • Mark Baisley
    I tuned into the local “progressive talk” radio station today and they were actually talking about abandoning Barack Obama; not voting for him in 2012. That discussion was more melodic to me. ... more
  • Lincoln Brown
    The consumer should not have to plead for a company’s product. The company that meets the consumer demand wins because it attracts more business, the consumer wins because he, she or it gets a better product at a better price. ... more
  • Katie Kieffer
    When a majority of progressive slugs call for thievery, I believe that a minority of “selfish” job creators may exercise Thoreau-style civil disobedience. ... more
  • Derek Hunter
    This week the media discovered that the smell emanating from lower Manhattan was not a broken sewer line with a hint of patchouli and marijuana but was, in fact, body odor from a left-wing protest...with a hint of patchouli and marijuana. ... more
  • John Ransom
    The biggest single obstacle that Obama faces in getting reelected is that Americans don’t trust him anymore. Nor should they, based on results, history and the false premise under which he was elected. Wanna know what Obama’s going to do in the future? Look at what he’s done in the past. ... more
  • Ed Feulner
    Conservatives and liberals clash frequently on a wide array of issues, from taxes to trade, from deficits to defense. But their greatest conflict may lie in their contrasting attitudes toward civil society. ... more
  • Victor Davis Hanson
  • John Ransom
    If Obama really cared about your progressive causes he wouldn’t have used the DOE program for a slush fund; he would have solved illegal immigration when he had a majority; he would have passed a healthcare bill that brought costs down; he would have closed Gitmo; he would have arrested Al Awaki; he would have declared war in Libya. ... more
  • Kyle Olson
    Vladimir Lenin is popularly attributed with coining the term “useful idiots” – a description of Americans who were in effect doing the bidding of the communist Soviet Union – and subverting American exceptionalism – in the name of global humanity. Lenin “has left the building,” but his leftist agenda lives on among progressives who are obsessed with trying to subvert our free market economy. ... more
  • Paul Greenberg
    Talk about the wish being father to the thought. Harry Reid, leader of the now diminished Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate, once said the Tea Party was a reaction to hard times and would disappear when the economy improves. ... more
  • Derek Hunter
    When Ronald Reagan ran for President in 1980, he did so by asking a simple question: Are you better off now than you than you were four years ago? ... more
  • John Ransom
    Critics will say that Obama and Carter were victims of policies that started way before them. True enough. But neither did anything to change the trend and it ended badly for one. LBJ moved us right with Nixon; Carter moved us righter with Reagan; and I think Obama will move us righter still with…well, you tell me. ... more
  • The Next Wave Sun Sep 18
    Salena Zito
    Another wave is coming, Washington – and “the ‘ins’ may be thrown out, and the ‘outs’ may be thrown in,” according to Michael Genovese, Loyola University political-science professor. ... more
  • Marvin Folkertsma
    Attempting to categorize conservatism in the 21st century runs the risk of plunging into the briar patch of academic labeling or the fever swamp of left-wing vitriol. ... more