Good Government
Open, Transparent
& Accountable

President Obama and his Administration are committed to leading the most open, transparent and accountable government in history.

Watch a video on the IT Dashboard, a perfect example of transparency leading to results.

Healthcare at a Glance Tools and Data Presidential Actions Disclosures Good Government News

Tools and Data highlights new initiatives that empower Americans with access to useful information and opportunities to participate in their government.

Excess Federal Buildings Map

Excess Federal Buildings Interactive Map

This map visualizes a sampling of over 7,000 of the total 12,000 buildings and structures currently designated as excess -- from sheds to underutilized office buildings.

View the Records

Search the White House Visitor Records

Over 1,000,000 records of everyone who's come through the doors of the White House have been released to date in a searchable database.

Learn about

Access Raw Data on offers data ranging from community health trends to customer service performance that powers innovative new applications.

Presidential Actions include Executive Orders, Memoranda and legislation that contribute to the President's plan to make government more accountable.

Shutting the Revolving Door

Shutting the Revolving Door

President Obama has taken historic steps to close the "revolving door" that carries special interest influence in and out of the government.

First Principles

First Principles

On his first day in office, President Obama signed executive orders and memoranda to make government more open and accountable to the American people.

Decreasing Over-Classification

Decreasing Over-Classification

President Obama signed bipartisan legislation to decrease the over-classification of government documents and promote information sharing.

Recent News

  • Cracking Down on Wasteful, Duplicative Spending

    For too long, the Federal Government allowed the American people’s hard-earned tax dollars to fund ineffective and duplicative projects, failing to leverage advances in technology to achieve savings. The result is that taxpayer dollars have been wasted. This should never be tolerated, but particularly with the tough fiscal situation, it’s unacceptable. It’s time that we live within our means, cut the waste too prevalent in Washington, and live up to our responsibility to the American people.

  • Much More Than is just one part of the White House's online outreach. The White House continues to work to reach Americans where they get and discuss information, while at the same time meeting its obligations under the Presidential Records Act.

  • Over 1.25 Million White House Visitor Records Online

    As part of his commitment to transparency, President Obama ordered that White House visitor records be released.

  • GSA Launches New Webpage on Federal Advisory Committees

    Steven Croley announces the launch of a new Federal Advisory Committee Act webpage through the General Services Administration.

  • Putting it Plainly

    Cass Sunstein, Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, writes about new guidance to Federal agencies to help make government information clear to the public and streamline government response resources.