New CREATE links

Elected Officials Support CREATE

CREATE Letters of Support/Business Case Studies

Click here to view a CREATE Timeline

CREATE in an Economic Recovery Package


Employment Opportunities

Click here to view Employment Opportunities



Doing Business with CREATE

Click here to view the Doing Business with Create page







CREATE is a first-of-its-kind partnership between U.S. DOT, the State of Illinois, City of Chicago, Metra, Amtrak, and the nation's freight railroads.

The CREATE partners designed this web site to provide you with information about the CREATE Program and the benefits it will bring to Chicago-area residents. We invite you to explore this site to learn more about CREATE -- and to return often for project updates, public hearing information and other CREATE news.

A project of national significance, CREATE will invest $1.5 billion in critically needed improvements to increase the efficiency of the region's rail infrastructure and the quality of life of Chicago-area residents.

Program Goals:

  • Reduce rail and motorist congestion
  • Improve passenger rail service
  • Enhance public safety
  • Promote economic development
  • Create jobs
  • Improve air quality
  • Reduce noise from idling or slow-moving trains


CREATE statement on The National Surface Transportation and Revenue Study Commission's Report to Congress

CREATE Statement on Proposed CN Acquisition of EJ&E

Click to download a copy of the FINAL CREATE Feasibility Study

Public Information Notice: CREATE Program Feasibility Plan and Preliminary Screening Modification