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Linking to Genetics Home Reference

The National Library of Medicine invites you to link from your web site to Genetics Home Reference.

If you link to this site, provide proper attribution to the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) and Genetics Home Reference. It must be clear to users that data and searches are being provided by Genetics Home Reference. Use only real-time data provided directly by Genetics Home Reference to ensure that the most up-to-date and accurate information is provided to the public.

Linking to the Genetics Home Reference home page

The text shown below should assist you in coding your HTML link to us. Paste the block of HTML code provided below directly into your page.

<a href="">Genetics Home Reference</a>

Formulating Search Requests

To link to a Search Results page, construct a URL that contains the query as illustrated below. Remember to URL-encodeThis link leads to a site outside Genetics Home Reference. spaces and special characters.

Example: breast cancer information on Genetics Home Reference

<a href="">breast cancer information on Genetics Home Reference</a>

Linking to a specific condition page

Example: Myotonic dystrophy on Genetics Home Reference

<a href="">Myotonic dystrophy on Genetics Home Reference</a>

You can find the necessary ID for the condition or disease by browsing to it and then studying your browser's URL address bar.

Linking to a specific gene page

Example: the DMPK gene on Genetics Home Reference

<a href="">the DMPK gene on Genetics Home Reference</a>

You can find the necessary ID for the gene by browsing to it and then studying your browser's URL address bar.

Linking to a specific chromosome page

Example: the X chromosome on Genetics Home Reference

<a href="">the X chromosome on Genetics Home Reference</a>

Example: mitochondrial DNA on Genetics Home Reference

<a href="">mitochondrial DNA on Genetics Home Reference</a>

For Programmers

An XML formatted, complete list of titles and URLs for all Genetics Home Reference condition, gene, chromosome, and Help Me Understand Genetics Handbook pages is available from

See the TopicIndex DTD to interpret this list.

Please note that use of Genetics Home Reference data is subject to Terms and Conditions of Use.

Published: May 1, 2011