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Watch TV Online:Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Season 7: Episode 62 (21:41) Date:May 10, 2011
Oscar winner and “Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides” star Geoffrey Rush stops by the Report for a chat with Stephen.
Available at: Hulu|Comedy Central
The Colbert Report
Season 6: Episode 18 Date: Apr 22, 2011
Available at: The CW|Amazon|iTunes
Season 1: Episode 3 (43:53) Date: May 10, 2011
Coaches Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton begin narrowing their teams with the help of advisers...
Available at: Hulu|NBC
The Voice
Season 2011: Episode 04.27.11 Date: Apr 27, 2011
Domaine and Danielle are two young people whose lives are entangled in webs of deceit. Both struggle with guilt and loneliness...
Available at: MTV - Music Television
True Life
Season 511: Episode 05.11.11 Date: May 11, 2011
The surging Mississippi River is flooding hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland and limiting traffic along the waterway,...
Available at: Clicker|Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal - News
Season 1
In this video, we take a look at the life and career of the late reggae musician, Bob Marley.
Available at: Watch Mojo - Music
Season 511: Episode 0511 (0:35) Date: May 11, 2011
Swiss "JetMan" Yves Rossy has said a "historic" jetpack-powered flight above the Grand Canyon. For eight...
Available at: Clicker|YouTube
Sky News
Season 511: Episode 0511 Date: May 11, 2011
People Magazine's Kate Coyne and's Helen Fisher speak to Chris Wragge about Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria...
Available at: Clicker|CBS News
The Early Show
Season 3: Episode 1
Johnny Depp and the cast of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" present the buccaneer lifestyle as a back-stabbing, high-living,...
Available at: Clicker|Smithsonian Museum
The Real Story
Season 16: Episode 61 (21:40) Date: May 09, 2011
“Last Night” star Keira Knightly joins Jon on The Daily Show.
Available at: Hulu|Comedy Central
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Season 18: Episode 11 (1:26:55) Date: May 09, 2011
The final four Teams mix it up in Brazil where Racers cry out in pain during a hairy situation as this season comes down to a...
Available at: CBS||iTunes
The Amazing Race
Season 2011 (3:32) Date: May 09, 2011
Singer Raphael Saadiq answers five questions for USA TODAY.
Available at: Clicker|USA Today
USA Today Life
Season 1: Episode 10 (43:31) Date: Mar 11, 2011
The Cape's worlds collide as Dana defends Marty after Fleming sets him up to the take the fall for corruption in Palm City.
Available at: Hulu|NBC|Amazon|iTunes
The Cape
Season 2011: Episode 05.11.11 Date: May 11, 2011
This week, Zero Punctuation reviews one of the often lauded greatest games of all time, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
Available at: Clicker|Escapist Magazine
Zero Punctuation
Season 4: Episode 18 (43:59) Date: Dec 16, 2010
Michael's world collapses when his actions force a tactical assault team to come after him and everyone he cares about. With...
Available at: USA|Amazon|iTunes
Burn Notice
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