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May 11, 2011

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Cold case team hunting for clues in 1995 murder

The property where 82-year-old William Spicer Jr. was murdered bears little resemblance today to the Christmas Tree Farm in which he used to tinker and prune. Brush has taken over and the evergreens have grown large and wild. But Tuesday morning, members of a cold case team combed the area.


4,742 state workers facing layoffs

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy ordered layoff notices Tuesday for 4,742 state employees, insisting that the salaries and benefits of Connecticut's public-sector work force be brought in line with the private sector.


Bomb squad uses water jet to destroy suspicious package

James Beatty wasn't going to take any chances Tuesday morning. An unattended bag resting on a parking barrier near the Greyhound bus station had caught the attention of Beatty, a maintenance worker at the train station.


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Are you a state worker who received a layoff notice?

The Day is interested in talking to state employees who have received layoff notices. Please contact the city desk at 860-701-4334 or cityeditor@theday.com.

Read the transcript of the chat on unions and state finances

Read the transcript from our chat on public employee unions and state finances in Connecticut.

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