US flag   Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

One-Stop Travelers' Redress Process

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Should I use DHS TRIP?

How to use DHS TRIP

After you apply

Should I use DHS TRIP?

How to use DHS TRIP

After your inquiry

  • How do I know if I'm on a watchlist?
  • Is there more than one watchlist?
  • How do I avoid secondary screening?
  • more


  • How do I file my complaint?
  • Can I file a complaint for someone else?
  • What about my privacy?
  • How do I get help with the online form?
  • more
  • What do I do next?
  • What is a redress number?
  • Can I track my inquiry?
  • How do I get help with my case?
  • more


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Redress Control Number

Have you been asked for a redress number?

DHS TRIP helps travelers improve their travel experience and correct inaccuracies in government records that may make travel more difficult.

DHS TRIP helps resolve inconveniences resulting from name similarities by providing a redress control number that allows systems to prevent misidentifications from happening again.

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Links for Travelers

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More About Traveler Screening

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