Florida's GOP Gov't Cuts Unemployment Benefits

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

There's a saying we often use that says, "you get what you pay for." I don't know who actually made that up, but if ever there was doubt to the validity of this assertion. One only has to look at what Republicans have been doing at the state level since last November's midterm elections. Surely this is what voters wanted when they rushed to the polls to ensure that "certain people" were able to "get their country back," like they did in Florida. So, me being the perpetual cynic and all around asshole, I must ask: are you people satisfied yet?
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A bill that would establish some of the deepest and most far-reaching cuts in unemployment benefits in the nation is heading for the desk of Gov. Rick Scott.

The Republican-controlled House and Senate passed the compromise measure just before the legislative session ended Friday night.

The legislation would cut maximum state benefits to 23 weeks from 26 when the jobless rate is 10.5 percent or higher.

If lower, the maximum would decline on a sliding scale until bottoming at 12 weeks if the jobless rate was 5 percent or less.

Both chambers were agreeable to a sliding scale, but the House wanted to cut the maximum to 20 weeks while the Senate wanted to keep it at 26.

The benefit reduction is expected to cut unemployment taxes paid by employers, but not until next year.

Florida has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, 11.5 percent, and already had some of the lowest unemployment benefits.

Critics called the legislation cruel and wrongheaded. But its supporters — including the bill’s sponsor, Representative Doug Holder, Republican of Sarasota — argued that it was needed to help businesses and to aid job creation.

Mr. Holder had said earlier that the average amount of time people remain on unemployment in Florida was 17.7 weeks and that most people would be unaffected by the legislation, at least in terms of how long they would collect benefits.

As of late March, more than 535,000 Floridians were receiving unemployment benefits.

Worker advocacy groups fought the legislation. But the business community, led by the Florida Chamber of Commerce, made passing the House version of the bill a priority, contending that businesses would benefit greatly from relief from the escalating tax to pay for jobless compensation. (source)
Yep, this is just what Floridians voted for. Of course I'm only guessing this is what they want, because, I have yet to actually ask one or many Floridians; yes, I haven't spoken to my man Max Reddick in some tome, so I don't know. Maybe someone who lives in Florida reading this can fill me in on just how satisfied Floridians are with the downsizing of that humongous gov't; the one that cared about unimportant matters such as unemployment benefits.

I feel bad for the unemployed residents of Florida, but their gov't isn't as sympathetic or empathetic. Clearly, they see themselves as offering the proper motivation for those lazy bums to get off their asses. But I'd be careful the next time I voted (or decided to stay at home and not vote) if I live in Florida. At the rate these Teapublicans are going, don't be surprised if they brought back slavery and forced the unemployed to pick oranges for free for the Koch Brothers.

Say Hello to Our Otherworldly Friends

It's been humming in the air for years. Or rather, the issue are ever buzzing lights in the sky that we seem to not really want to explain.

We talk about it, but don't talk about it. News forecasters dismiss it with "official" statements from government officials; yet Hollywood has an obsession of creating movies and series around the issue.

But I'm going to put it out there, Donald Trump is an alien. His galaxy is trapped in his hair, and Will Smith has his eyes on that ass for the Men in Black Agency.

If anyone needs a birth certificate verification it has got to be Trump. But I needn't worry about Obama's origin of birth. I am freaking the hell out on the decision to engage in war in Libya and the cuts in this ass-terity measure. All these fucking fancy words simply equal that the have-nots are being ganked further.

Past the satire, I always wonder what is out that and who is out there. To think that the bodies that occupy earth are the only living, walking, breathing, communicating entities is absolutely absurd.

We do share this solar system with other folk.

The astronauts have given numerous accounts of encountering UFOs while in flight. Gordon Cooper, the first man in history to orbit the planet 22 times, talks about incidents in 1951 and later on.

I just don't know why it is such a secret. I don't know why it is scarey.

And what if George Clinton's "Cosmic Slop" prophesies are accurate? If a mothership comes down and takes all the black people home, where would the bi-racial, quadroons, octoroons, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and Mariah Carey be placed? Sorry Nick Cannon, even though you are a cornball, your ass is on the ship.

In the meantime, beam up your cousin Donald. And his slaves NeNe Leakes, Little John and Star Jones for not postulating themselves with his latest antics.

Michelle Obama Invites "Gangster Rapper" To The White House, & Guess Who's Mad

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Now Black music is Black music, and it's allgood, I wasn't salty she was with the boys in the hood." -- Common; "I Used To Love H.E.R."

Oh Lordy or Lordy, look what Michelle Obama dun did now up the the white people's White House. She dun seriously up and dun it inviting one a dem dar Chicago gansta' rappers she used to live next to to the White House. Word has it that she's having a poetry reading session on Wednesday, but I ain't buying it.

 It's bad enuff that them Obama Kenyans dun defiled the sanctity of the one true symbol of whiteness and err'thing right with Amuur'cuh by even living there. And now, they finna have this Negro and his posse bussin' spades, making it rain on hoes, and whatever else them there drug dealing Negroes do.

Of course them dar white folks over at The Daily Caller is madder den a mugg over tghis and had something to say about it. And lemme tell you, at last count, there was 274 comments mostly in disgust after the following post. Let's just say, judging from the comments, Flava Flav better tear up his invitation:
First Lady Michelle Obama has scheduled a poetry evening for Wednesday, and she’s invited several poets, including a successful Chicago poet and rapper, Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr., AKA “Common.” However, Lynn is quite controversial, in part because his poetry includes threats to shoot police and at least one passage calling for the “burn[ing]” of then-President George W. Bush.

Back in 2003, First Lady Laura Bush held a poetry evening, and she invited several poets to reprise the work of Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes and Walt Whitman. Although none of those poets had urged violence against a president, Bush canceled the event after left-of-center poets protested and threatened to disrupt the event. (read more)
Oh well, lemme g'head and enjoy Common while I can; at least the pre-gangsta rapper Common; you know, back when he was less gangsta?
Sarah Palin jumped on the bandwagon, tweeting the Daily Caller story with a comment “Oh, lovely White House” — the virtual equivalent of rolling her eyes.

Pajamas Media, another conservative site, says Common supports Mumia Abu Jamal, convicted in the 1981 killing of a Philadelphia police officer, and was a member, along with the Obamas, of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where Rev. Jeremiah Wright served as pastor. The rapper defended Wright during the 2008 campaign as Obama distanced himself from the controversial minister. The video below shows Wright in the background as Common performs.

A Fox News site called the multiple Grammy-winner a “vile rapper.” Common, who has also acted in several films, including "American Gangster" and "Terminator Salvation," also performed at a 2009 inaugural ball. (source)
Yeah, ain't no tellin' how much more gangsta' he's gonna get once he leaves the White House as he becomes more untouchable and public enemy number one, while Obama's still in office (watch this). Yep, big shouts out to the city of Chicago and all my peoples who live there; been a minute, but we'll kick it soon.

Osama Bin Laden:The Greatest Myth Ever Told

by Eco.Soul.Intellectual

Osama Bin Laden has represented a host of ideas from various angles. But one thing he remains in the US mind is a myth, a fictitious being that has operated with God-like qualities in a cave, just like Jesus.

Nobody actually saw him, but people hated, feared and/or revered what he epitomized.

And then there are all of these questions surrounding his death. The un-Muslim sea burial with his body chained to a plank like in the movie Van Helsing. The supposedly unreleased photos of a man who remains elusive for over a decade, and the lack of explanation as to why a former CIA operative becomes a US enemy who initially declared he did not blow up the World Trade towers when he was blamed. And certainly, he did not blow up buildings 7 and 8, that mysteriously fell well after the planes crashed.

This mythic creature, Bin Laden, must now be placed in the arena of Santa, Tooth Fairy, Chupacabra, Sasquatch, Elvis and Tupac. His representation will live on in some way, shape or form.

Let me shift this discussion on the continual Fulture of Fear in US. Obama once emphasized that fear was so permeated in normal, everyday American life needed to be free from that type of living. Ironically, the Culture of Fear is becoming more pervasive, post-Bin Laden death.

We thought we were watching our backs then, well now, we will be watching even more! Big Brother is alive and well, and truthfully, he possesses our psyches like a Santeria Orisa mounting a devotee during ceremony.

Big Brother has been framed as a omnipotent technological presence in the form of satellite, eye scans, and computer surveillance, but that is not the most significant and effective weapon of Big Brother. WE ARE!

We are our own Big Brother. We monitor each other and judge our movements.Then we regulate ourselves from a template that is supposed to be "Patriotic" under Administrations that provide schizophrenic intelligence about various operations.

As blogger Rippa pointed out , the Bush Administration stopped looking for Bin Laden before the search every began, yet US culture, by way of the media, was haunted by a hunt that never really existed.

Nevertheless, war coffers were filled, and we are broker than a muthafuckah.

And since when did questioning your government excuse you from citizenship?

Furthermore, when did using rights as a citizen to question a US Administration that has habitually lied since its inception, become unAmerican.

To me, to be unAmerican is to allow a power structure that undermines its citizens dictate to me the order of the day; especially in a culture where black folks were legally slaves, indigenous people were kicked off of their land and slaughtered, Japanese were forced into internment camps, political activist were black listed in the "Red Scare" and Donald Trump is considering running for president.

Interestingly, the understanding of Patriotism has mutated into a different monster since 1776. Once upon a time, US citizens exercised protest, agitation, intellectual battle, fistocuffs, and even Civil War based on their citizenship rights.Interestingly, the Tea Party can throw vile, racist rants, but the Black Panther Party's fight for a shift in a racist and classist structure was neutralized.

Today, if you critique government, you are cast in an iron pot full of fuddy-duddies. Right now I'm dangling on funny rope with racist tea baggers and self-deprecating black folks. And I don't want to have anything in common with them, and am about to Geronimo jump off this bitch to NeverLand with Peter Pan and Michael.

Though my mama hates it when I rip into the current administration, I have to remind her that I have always scrutinized governments. It is the American way. And as long as their are third and fourth world conditions in one of the richest countries in the world, as well as people who are interested in impeaching the Head-of-State because he is black, I will have a lot to say.

But I digressed, so let me get back to the Culture of Fear.

With the talks of imminent terrorist attacks to come, the US is now "preparing" American citizens for repercussions. With that will come a host of methods that will tear down the right to privacy, a fundamental American right that was placed in the Bill of Rights due to England's intrusive colonial tactics.

Some of the things you will expect to see are things that have been long in the making, but will be forced to stay.

Eye, hand, DNA databases for travel and money transactions; Dismantling of social security and social programs; Privatization of public institutions such as education, roads media, and major ports; Complete privatization of the prison industrial complex.

This new American "lifestyle" are one of many issues, but the biggest strife will be the widening division amongst the citizens. As some people become more "Patriotic" others are distancing themselves from a hegemonic, boxed existence.

Blog on, Eco.Soul

Sorry Imams, Please Exit The Plane; Yes, You Look Like Bin Laden... Oh Yeah, Thanks

by Joanna

How is this for irony? Two imams were headed to a conference addressing Islamophobia and prejudice in America, and instead of flying to their destination in peace, they were confronted with the theme of the conference head on.
Transportation Security Administration agents escorted two Muslim imams from a plane heading from Memphis, Tenn. to Charlotte, N.C. on Friday.

The men were on the Atlantic Southeast Airlines plane heading to a conference of the North American Imams Federation. The theme of the conference was prejudice and Islamophobia. Atlanta Southeast Airlines runs connection flights for Delta Airlines.

The Memphis-based imams, Masudur Rahman and Mohamed Zaghloul, were both dresses in traditional Muslim garb when the plane was told to return to the gate after taxiing to the runway.

Rahman and Zaghloul were put through secondary security screenings and not allowed back on the plane. Rahman told reporters that a Delta representative looked embarrassed after speaking with the pilot.

The men said they were treated kindly by TSA agents, but they still don’t know why they weren’t allowed to fly on the plane.

Rahman and Zaghloul eventually made it to the conference.

Their attorney said his clients have not yet decided to take legal action, but he wants the pilot to be held responsible for the incident. SOURCE
Could you imagine? I guess the fact that other passengers were "uncomfortable" sharing a plane with men dressed in traditional Muslim clothing was more important than the rights of those men to freely travel about the country. Next thing you know, the US will be passing laws outlawing traditional Muslim garb, like Belgium and France have already implemented. Because apparently Muslim clothing, in the minds of many Americans, is like a "terrorist" uniform.

Instead of government officials and corporate representatives like the TSA agents and airline pilot involved in this case attacking the biased thinking of these fools, they capitulate to the demands of the bigots.

Imagine if , after Timothy McVeigh, a so called "Christian" bombed the state building in Oklahoma, people wearing crosses were profiled on the streets, pulled over and confronted, treated as "extremists" and "terrorists". The whole world would be up in arms. Imagine if priests were not allowed to wear their collar while flying in a plane with children, for fear that they would molest the kids. How fast would there be laws passed banning this sort of treatment? Quick, fast and in a hurry. But no, these men were not Christian and not white, so they are considered fair game.

Donald Trump:"I Am The Least Racist Person There Is," Plus, A Black Guy Won 'Celebrity Apprentice' Before

Monday, May 9, 2011

"You see Randall, you can be anything in America except President."
QUESTION(S): Is it possible for one to be racist and totally unaware that they are? In 2011, can we still use ignorance as an excuse?

In all my years of being a professional racism chaser, I never knew there were varying degrees of racism. Yes, nobody ever told me there is an actual racism meter. Up until now I never knew that someone could actually be kinda racist, slightly racist, or extremely racist. Obviously I'm showing my ignorance here, and to you I offer my apologies. I'm sorry, I've been the product of an ill formed opinion all these years. Of course up until Donald Trump appeared on Fox & Friends this morning, I've always thought that this racism thing was pretty cut and dry, or black and white as they say. I mean, you're either racist, or you're not. Or so I thought, right? Post-racial rule changes are a bitch.

Here is Donald Trump's appearance on Fox this morning where he's discussing Obama, bin Laden, China, claims of him being racist, and whatever garbage falls out of his mouth. When asked about Von Jones' campaign to have celebrities denounce Trump's "racism", Trump said: "I am the least racist person there is" I'm sorry, but being "the least racist," isn't actually a denial. Which is kinda funny because as far as Trump, though I don't know his cracker-ass, I never thought he would be brave enough to play the racist card to jeopardize his brand. But here he is pretty much admitting, that he is in fact racist, but not like the other guys. Let's be honest: believing Barack Obama to be Kenyan and brought to this country so his parents and grandparents could get on Welfare, isn't really a racist theory because they're white. And neither is suggesting that president Obama is intellectually inferior and only got to Harvard via Affirmative Action, because George Bush was a C-Average student.

Nope, Trump might not be the kind to burn a cross on a front yard, drag a black person behind a moving truck, or even vote for Obama like all the racist blacks who did in 2008. Nope, that's not him. Besides, there's no way he can be that racist unlike him being the "least racist," simply because of the fact that Randal Pinkett, a black guy, actually won a season of Celebrity Apprentice. Now I'm not saying that Trump is in fact racist; I think if he was he would've said he has black friends. However, isn't it nice to know that though some people may think a black man isn't qualified to run the country, that at least one of us is capable of winning Trump's stupid-ass bore of a reality show?

When a Black Athlete Thinketh . . .

I love it when a brother shows he is not bound to any status quo contract. Now go and get the lawyer for the Dixie Chicks. And stay out of the strip clubs to keep your money up.
Biggups to Rashard Mendenhall for showing that he refuses to be a mis-educated negro, by simply stating his opinion.

Instead of being a 40 million dollar slave, he is priceless. He questioned the "Bin Laden is dead debauchery" that is currently unfolding as a botched political move. As a result, he lost his endorsement to Champion.

His quote:

“What kind of person celebrates death? It’s amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We’ve only heard one side…”

Of course, he was bitch-slapped by his organization, the black and yellow (honey bees in my opinion) and shut down by the league.

Mendenhall, bravo and EcoSoul says, "fuck'em". Just go ahead and buy some property in Detroit and pimp the land and row houses out. They need a black man who is uncompromising.

What happened to the Jim Brown's of the NFL?

by Eco.Soul.Intellectual

Bush Administration Did Not Pursue Osama Bin Laden Post 9/11

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I really hate to go the partisan route given the discussion of Osama bin Laden's tragic yet joyous demise. However, I came across the following article and subsequent interview with historian and investigative journalist, Gareth Porter that I found rather interesting. Here's a tidbit from the article, and I urge you to read it in its entirety. Most importantly, if don't do anything else, be sure to watch the video that follows the piece:
The absence of any military planning to catch Bin Laden was a function of Bush's national security team, led by vice president Dick Cheney and secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld, which had firmly opposed any military operation in Afghanistan that would have had any possibility of catching Bin Laden and his lieutenants.

Rumsfeld and the second-ranking official at the Pentagon, Paul Wolfowitz, had dismissed CIA warnings of an al-Qaeda terrorist attack against the United States in the summer of 2001, and even after 9/11 had continued to question the CIA's conclusion that Bin Laden and al-Qaeda were behind the attacks.

Cheney and Rumsfeld were determined not to allow a focus on Bin Laden to interfere with their plan for a US invasion of Iraq to overthrow the Saddam Hussein regime.

Even after Bush decided in favor of an Afghan campaign, Tommy Franks, commander of the US Central Command and responsible for the war in Afghanistan, was not directed to have a plan for Bin Laden's capture or to block his escape to Pakistan.  (read more)
So as you can see, clearly the intent was never to kill or capture bin Laden. Instead, it was the Bush administration following through by dancing to the tune of their neo-con  handlers who were bent on investing billions trillions in the military industrial complex. When you think about it, kinda explains how many of them were in support of Obama tripling troop levels in Afghanistan when he did. But now I think it's funny how they're bent on giving Bush any credit for bin Laden's death, and are now calling for an end to the war.

Check this out:

BIO: Gareth Porter is a historian and investigative journalist on US foreign and military policy analyst. He writes regularly for Inter Press Service on US policy towards Iraq and Iran. Author of four books, the latest of which is Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam

Hate To Tell You, But Osama Bin Laden Won [VIDEO]

Friday, May 6, 2011

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