Open Government Initiative at ED

Open Gov Link

"On his first day in office, the President sent a memo directing all federal agencies to create unprecedented levels of openness in government. The team at the U.S. Department of Education took it to heart." — Message from Deputy Secretary Tony Miller

Our Open Government plan looks at our efforts to be more transparent, participatory, and collaborative during the first 16 months of the Obama Administration. More important, the plan describes how we intend to build on and improve those efforts.

Read our plan and tell us what you think—join the discussion!

Read a March 15, 2011, blog post in celebration of Sunshine Week.

Overview of the Plan

Sections of the Plan

Data Sets


Evaluating Our Progress

Self Evaluation

Evidence for our score on the Open Gov Dashboard (February 2010).

Open Government Links

Archived information

Ideas Submitted during the February 6-March 19, 2010, Public Discussion Period

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Last Modified: 03/15/2011