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Barney Frank: Cut Off Aid to Uganda if 'Kill the Gays' Bill Passes

Rep. Barney Frank (R-MA) released a statement late today opposing the anti-homosexuality bill that could be voted on as soon as tomorrow in the Ugandan parliament, and demanding the U.S. government act if it does so.

Barney Said Frank:

"I'm disturbed by the news that Uganda is considering going ahead with a measure that denies the humanity of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people."

"I was pleased when the Financial Services Committee overwhelmingly, in a bipartisan way, voted in favor of my amendment urging the Secretary of the Treasury to oppose any financial assistance from multilateral development institutions to countries that persecute people on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity or religious beliefs. In the discussion of the amendment I offered, I specifically mentioned the deeply troubling case of Uganda, which is now considering legislation to legally deprive people of these basic human rights."

"If the bill before the Ugandan parliament becomes law, it must be the policy of the United States government to oppose any aid to Uganda from the World Bank, the African Development Bank, or any other international financial institution of which we are a member." 

In related news, the Archbishop of Canterbury has spoken out against the bill as well:

"Overall, the proposed legislation is of shocking severity and I can't see how it could be supported by any Anglican who is committed to what the Communion has said in recent decades. Apart from invoking the death penalty, it makes pastoral care impossible - it seeks to turn pastors into informers."

Update: Uganda's 'Kill the Gays' Bill Still Pending, Protest Planned [tr]
Uganda 'Kill the Gays' Bill Could Pass Within 72 Hours [tr]

Share Posted 8:06 PM EST by Andy Towle in Anglican church, Barney Frank, News, Uganda | Permalink

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  1. Cut off aid to Uganda, but not to Egypt or Pakistan?

    Posted by: Max | May 10, 2011 8:08:41 PM

  2. Your entry begins with, 'Rep. Barney Frank (R-MA)...'

    Should read: 'Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA)...'

    Posted by: Shawn | May 10, 2011 8:12:31 PM

  3. While Frank has a good idea, the US will never cut aid to Uganda. Let's not forget that Pakistan was harboring Osama Bin Ladin, and that country is still one of the biggest recipients of US aid.

    Posted by: James | May 10, 2011 9:08:52 PM

  4. Cutting off aid should have come at the first consideration of this government sanctioned genocide.

    Posted by: castaway | May 10, 2011 9:10:10 PM

  5. Barney Frank is a Democrat.

    Posted by: Brian in Texas | May 10, 2011 9:25:37 PM

  6. Kudos to Frank. This is a human rights issue that needs to be supported by both parties. No one can look at the bill and see it as anything other than genocide against gays and their supporters. Republicans may hate making civil rights a part of American law, but there is no way that they can look at what is happening in Uganda as anything other than a murderous, inhumane and evil political act.

    Posted by: candideinnc | May 10, 2011 9:28:05 PM

  7. Kudos to Frank. He shows integrity here. His colleagues should listen.

    @Max: Cutting off aid to Uganda does NOT mean ANYTHING in relation to aid to other countries. That's not how international stuff like this works. This kill-the-gays bill is uniquely offensive and deserves a full-blown American response.

    It's just naive to insist that to do so would affect any other country. Granted, it would send an lgbt-affirmative message to other countries. But it would not directly affect them and would seem absurd to ask for are argue about that at this point.

    @ James: The Pakistan issue is a national security calculation connected to our relationship with PAKISTAN. That has nothing to do with our relationship with Uganda. What U.S. interests would be realistically compromised by opposing aid to UGANDA on these vital human rights terms?

    Posted by: just_a_guy | May 10, 2011 9:55:57 PM

  8. Ok, now let's see who, amongst the the gang of toe-tapping Republicans, will join Frank

    Posted by: Von Lmo | May 10, 2011 11:21:02 PM

  9. Cutting off Uganda's allowance may be right and feel good, but we can do better:

    Grant asylum to Ugandan LGBT citizens on terms similar to what we granted to Cubans.

    Lady Liberty is our best answer to this murderous hatred. Seldom have we deployed her without profit to our own country.

    Posted by: Rich | May 11, 2011 6:29:03 AM

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