Office of the Inspector General
U.S. Small Business Administration

Mission Statement

The Office of Inspector General’s mission is to improve SBA management and effectiveness, and to detect and deter fraud in the Agency’s programs.

Office Spotlight
11-08 - SBA's Procurement of Information Technology Hardware and Software through Isika Technologies, Inc.
MEMORANDUM To: Jon I. Carver  Chief Financial Officer /s/ Original Signed From: Peter L. McClintock Deputy Inspector General Date: February 25,2011 Subject: Audit on SBA's Procurement ofInformation Technology Hardw...  Read More


Inspector General

Peggy E. (Peg) Gustafson was sworn in as SBA Inspector General on October 2, 2009. Ms. Gustafson previously served as General Counsel to Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), where she advised the...