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U.S. History Topics » Wars » Other Wars
See All 31 Resources
Image of white and black soldiers serving in Korea

Korea: The Unfinished War examines the "forgotten war" that almost led to World War III. When communist troops of...

French troops have surrounded the Chateau Hougoumont.

Napoleon Interactive Battlefield Simulator tests your battle strategy. Watch video clips on the battles of Lodi, Austerlitz and...

Composition image of D-Day photos.

Experiencing War (Voices of War): Stories from the Veterans History Project is the companion website for a book from the Veterans History Project. Video interviews...

Richard Peterson, POW processing photo, 1942

Veterans History Project is collecting oral histories, letters, diaries, and photos of America's war veterans and...

Endowment for Humanities 

Endowment for Humanities 

Library of Congress 

Library of Congress 
  See All 31 Other Wars Resources  

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