Science Progress | Where science, technology, and progressive policy meet

Science Progressing: Week Ending December 2

A new effort to map global life science innovation clusters, a piece of Obama’s jobs agenda makes progress, and delegates from nearly 200 countries meet in South Africa for global climate change talks.


Exclusive Excerpt from the Book ‘Open Wound’

Rooted deeply in historic fact, Dr. Jason Karlawish’s marvelous new book traces the peculiar career of 19th century clinician-turned-scientist Dr. William Beaumont, who became a scientific one-hit-wonder by exploiting the body of the man who’s life he saved.


What Would Ben Franklin Do?

Besides his well-known exploits as a printer, diplomat, politician, philosopher, and ladies man, Ben Franklin was also deeply interested in energy efficiency, environmental science, and public health.


The Mouse Trap

Ever wonder how many mice have to die to produce one peer-reviewed medical journal article? Or one new drug? And how much can we really learn about human physiology from mice or other animal experiments anyway? Daniel Engber has authored an excellent, three-part expose at Slate that answers these and other questions about the animal research industry.


What Would George Washington Do About Fracking?

In addition to being our nation’s first president, George Washington also had a curious mind, leading him to ask questions and conduct experiments to find the truth, something many elected leaders in Washington seem to have forgotten.


Stem Cell Tales from the Crypt

Arthur Caplan reports on a closed-door meeting at the Vatican, where Church leadership made it clear it will continue to throw its ethical might and even its money into the debate about where to get stem cells and how best to study them.


Science Progressing: Week Ending November 18

A new HHS program will pump up to $1 billion into healthcare technology innovation, at the same time House Republicans threaten to cut by 1/3 the funding for the Office of Science and Technology Policy, a major coordinator of interdepartmental science policy.


What Would TJ Do?

What would Thomas Jefferson, an avid scientist and enlightenment thinker, have to say about the politicization of science in our day?


Science Progressing: Week Ending November 4

This week’s science and technology policy news brief covers the changing models of early-stage startup finance, the battle over light bulbs on Capitol Hill, and crowd-funded zombie research.
