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"In the end, as First Lady, this isn’t just a policy issue for me. This is a passion. This is my mission. I am determined to work with folks across this country to change the way a generation of kids thinks about food, nutrition and physical activity." - First Lady Michelle Obama

Let’s Move! is a comprehensive initiative, launched by the First Lady, dedicated to solving the problem of obesity within a generation, so that children born today will grow up healthier and able to pursue their dreams. Sure, this is an ambitious goal. But with your help, we can do it. Combining comprehensive strategies with common sense, Let’s Move! is about putting children on the path to a healthy future during their earliest months and years. Giving parents helpful information and fostering environments that support healthy choices. Providing healthier foods in our schools. Ensuring that every family has access to healthy, affordable food. And, helping children become more physically active.

(Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton) Share

Featured Blog Posts

You’re It. Get Fit! Take the Million PALA Challenge

Posted by Drew Brees, New Orleans Saints Quarterback and Co-Chair, President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition on February 2, 2011

Have you already given up on your 2011 resolution? If your answer is “yes,” or if you’re still searching for a resolution, I have a special program for you to jump start your physical activity, keep you motivated and on track, and even reward you with special recognition at the end. The Presidential Active Lifestyle Award, or “PALA,” can be earned by taking part in 60 minutes of physical activity for kids (30 minutes for adults), 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Share

New Dietary Guidelines Urge Consumers to Enjoy Food, but watch Calories In, Calories Out

Posted by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on January 31, 2011

Today I had the honor to join the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius to release the 2010 Dietary Guidelines – a science-based roadmap to give busy individuals, moms and dads the information to make thoughtful choices for themselves and their families. It was inspiring to see so many young people in the audience, followed by important health and nutrition questions from George Washington University students. Share

Let’s Move Goes Local

Posted by Robin Schepper, Executive Director, Let’s Move! on January 20, 2011

Yesterday, I spoke to the US Conference of Mayors Standing Committee on Children, Health and Human Services chaired by Green Bay Mayor James Schmitt and co-chaired by Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett and Gastonia Mayor Jennifer Stultz. At the meeting, I shared the good news that over 470 mayors signed up to make their cities Let’s Move Cities and Towns. Share

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