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January 28, 2011


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Not sure where to make a recommendation on the blog itself, but it would be nice if when it feeds into Google Reader and you want to read something several weeks old that when you click continue reading it or click on the link to go to the blog it take you to the story that was in your reader (maybe several weeks ago) vs. the main page. Or better yet if the entire story would feed into the reader.... Just a suggestion so we can follow you easier when we get to busy to read it every day.

This is huge news. Southern California is in one of the most polluted air management districts in the country. And buses like those being made at Proterra can play a key role in cleaning the air, getting more people out of their cars, and do it allin an efficient way. This is big news and it is an important milestone on the road to efficent, economic, and clean public transportation. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

In 2009, Proterra didn't have financial resources to commercialize it's fast charge battery bus and charging station. But now it is one of the fastest rolling over business.

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