The Feministing Five: Norma Kamali

Norma flexing her arm with the quote "Fitness, Health & Wellness is my Power" in frontNorma Kamali is trying to do something radical: stop the objectification of women. And considering the industry she works in, it’s pretty remarkable.

Norma Kamali has worked in the fashion industry for over 20 years. Known for her transformative designs such as her sleeping bag coat, parachute collection and swimwear line, she’s now pioneering a campaign to empower women and stop the objectification experienced everyday on the streets.

Her campaign “Stop Objectification” includes a short film titled “Hey Baby” in which Norma re-appropriates the male gaze, highlighting the accomplishments unseen by objectifying eyes. Her effort also includes the website Stop Objectification, in which she seeks to foster dialogue by having women upload photos of themselves with a quote that celebrates their favorite body part. (Make sure to upload a photo of your own too!)

Displaying her tremendous passion for this cause, Norma made the time to answer my questions despite the travails of Hurricane Sandy. And, of course, I couldn’t resist asking a question that has always nagged me as a feminist who loves fashion: is it possible to be a feminist fashionista? Read below to find out her thoughts!

And now, without further ado, the Feministing Five, with Norma Kamali.

Anna Sterling: What prompted you to start this campaign?

Norma Kamali: I have been working with women since 1967 and no matter how beautiful, accomplished, or celebrated they are (including myself) we are all suffering from self esteem and image issues. I wanted to try to change this, find out why this happens, and then do all I can to empower women.

The overall goal is to empower women. To recognize that this accepted exchange is not acceptable. That we must bring awareness to the men in our lives who love us and when these men know the effect of objectification on our psyche, plus the embarrassment and humiliation, then I believe our men will be the force that creates the change. First we have to recognize what we have been turning a blind eye to and what we have been keeping a secret for so long.

AS: How can we take this movement past the internet and bring this empowering transformation to our everyday lives?

NK: We need to tell our stories, bring awareness, and inspire our friends and sisters to do the same. Then in face-to-face important moments, tell the stories to our men.

AS: Where do you see feminism and fashion colliding? Can someone be a feminist fashionista? Read More »

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Weekly Feminist GIF

i hate everything

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What We Missed

Breaking: Mayor Bloomberg has endorsed Barack Obama, in part because of his response to Hurricane Sandy. In related news, Newark Mayor/superhero Cory Booker is demonstrating true post-Sandy leadership and kicking a$$ on Twitter.

Unbelievable. Remember Todd Akin? Well his new ad features a rape victim, as if that makes everything OK.

Tomorrow Magazine is now available online!

Ugh. Chris Brown continues to be terrible and wears a “terrorist costume” for Halloween.

An analysis of  Black women’s response to the  War on Women compiled by Vida Samuel of Howard University.

An entertaining anecdote of one feminist’s experience making calls for the Romney/Ryan ticket.

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Make GOTV calls to battleground states for Obama this weekend

This is the last weekend before Tuesday’s election.  Even if you don’t live in a battleground state you can make calls for President Obama and Democrats to any state (hint: OHIO) to help get out the vote.

Click here to make calls now!

Click here to check your polling location so that you can vote on Tuesday!

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Republican men need to shut up about rape forever

Via Talking Points Memo

As a rape survivor, I’m having a really hard time this election cycle.  The constant talk about rape by Republican men in a way that is misogynistic, stupid, and insensitive is triggering.  I’m sick and tired of all this triggering talk about rape and I really wish they would just shut up!

The latest in the long list of Republican rape apologists to speak about rape and abortion is John Koster, the Republican nominee for Washington’s 1st district.  When asked about his opposition to abortion in the cases of rape and incest, Koster first noted that incest is extremely rare because forcing only a couple of 12 year olds to bare their father’s baby is no big deal and everyone should just calm down about it already.

Koster then when on to call rape a “thing” more than once:

“But the rape thing…you know I know a woman who was raped and kept her child but gave it up for adoption, she doesn’t regret it.  In fact, she’s a big pro-life proponent…But on the rape thing, it’s like, how does putting more violence onto a woman’s body and taking the life of an innocent child that’s the consequence of this crime, how does that make it better? You know what I mean?”

I don’t have any interest in hearing the opinion of a man who has never been the victim of sexual assault.  And I don’t have any interest in hearing what he thinks about my choices.  None.  I don’t even know why these anti-choice Republicans think they are entitled to speak about the topic.  This is about the power of women as independent actors to make choices about their own bodies.  A rape survivor has already lost power and control over her bodily autonomy and now Republican men want to let us know what they think we should be allowed to do after the rape?

No, Mr. Koster you do not get to have say.

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