The White House Blog

Weekly Wrap Up: The Country We Believe In

Your quick look at the week that was on

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America's Fiscal Future: On Wednesday, President Obama spoke at the George Washington University about his plan to control spending while staying true to America's values of shared prosperity and shared responsibility. After his speech, economic advisor Brian Deese answered your questions in a live video chat. The President's focus on fiscal policy continued as he met with bipartisan leaders from the House and Senate, and with the co-chairs of his fiscal commission.

Joining Forces: As part of the Obama Administration's commitment to America's military families, the First Lady and Dr. Jill Biden launched their Joining Forces initiative, which will bring together all sectors of American society to lend a hand to military families. The President and Vice President joined them for the launch from the East Room of the White House.

West Wing Week: "Open for Business"

Taxpayer Receipt: In keeping with the promise President Obama made during his State of the Union to let every American see where their tax dollars are being spent, launched a taxpayer receipt. Plug in the amounts you pay for Social Security, Medicare, and income tax, and see it broken down penny by penny. To see the tax cuts and credits President Obama has signed into law, try the tax cut calculator.

Champions of Change: The White House recognized innovators from around the country who are helping create the future of American-made clean energy.

Clean Energy in Oregon: Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood reported back from Oregon, where United Streetcars is creating clean energy jobs and reducing traffic in cities.

1099 Repeal A Win for Small Business: The President signed a bill that repealed the 1099 reporting requirement for small businesses that was originally a part of the Affordable Care Act. SBA Administrator Karen Mills talked about the repeal's benefits for America's small businesses.

New The FCC launched a new website to help their efforts at transparency. Check it out, and be sure to give them feedback!

Robots Help Japan Recovery: New robots produced in America are helping to assess the radiation threat from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster.

Algae for Oil: Scientists at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory came out with a new study showing how biofuels produced in the United States from algae could replace up to 17% of the oil we currently import from abroad.

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